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Fishing Tuncurry In The Kayak


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Hi guys

Gdcalmer & I hit the water at Tuncurry, fishing a small bay that rumour has it, has a deeeep daaark hole where bream hide after a lot of rain! Guess what .... they weren't there!!! :(

We flicked poppers & lures around & Wendy finally said, STuff this, I'm going to use mullet!! And almost instantly brought in a very nice flattie about 70cm!! She didn't have a net & was trying to wrestle it onto the lip grippers when it shook its head & got off! :( No piccie either!! :( Shortly after, she was onto another smaller one. I was 'sounding' the bay to see where the depths were & there were fish everywhere! It seemed it was a carpet of fish .... but they were not biting! :(

I succumbed when Wendy offered me some of her bait & so we headed out of the bay & towards the leases & dropped our lines near or under the floating leases. Immediate hits!! I got lots of just legal ones & all were put back. Wendy got a nice 32cm bream & lots of smaller ones.


Beautiful sunny day,water calm as, good fishing buddy beside me - what more can you ask for ..... other than FISH!!! It even makes the water look blue, but it was brown as! How good is this???


Where we got most of the fish.


A very pleasant day - some how the 6 hrs flew by :1yikes: & it was time to call the hubby to come & pick me up!



Hope to try some new lures out today :) :) I had to mortgage the house to buy them! :1yikes:

Wendy & I will be on the water a lot over this weekend with some other yakkers - can't wait to hit the water!

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Nice session there Roberta ,looks you both had a great time :thumbup:

Stay with the lures Roberta :tease: you will get the hang of them and they are always on hand :biggrin2:

Cheers Stewy

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Great photos Roberta! You're certainly targetting the right areas. :thumbup:

:dito: what Stewy said. Stick at the lures. Try some of the smaller rattlin' vibs and HBs when they aren't responding, and maybe try some (megastrike) scent on your plastics and lures too.

At least the weather looked great. Good luck this weekend!!!! :yahoo::yahoo:


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Great reflections in the photos Roberta. It's hard to believe that the weather was was so bad a week ago.

It's a shame about Wendy dropping the big flattie, but at least you now know where it is. You'll have to go back and re-catch it for her! :biggrin2:

You're right, it was a great way to spend six hours, beautiful conditions and great company, and a few fish - what more do you need?

Looking forward to hearing your reports for today and the weekend.

Hope the new lures work well. What sort were they?



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Hi guys

Gdcalmer & I hit the water at Tuncurry, fishing a small bay that rumour has it, has a deeeep daaark hole where bream hide after a lot of rain! Guess what .... they weren't there!!! :(

We flicked poppers & lures around & Wendy finally said, STuff this, I'm going to use mullet!! And almost instantly brought in a very nice flattie about 70cm!! She didn't have a net & was trying to wrestle it onto the lip grippers when it shook its head & got off! :( No piccie either!! :( Shortly after, she was onto another smaller one. I was 'sounding' the bay to see where the depths were & there were fish everywhere! It seemed it was a carpet of fish .... but they were not biting! :(

I succumbed when Wendy offered me some of her bait & so we headed out of the bay & towards the leases & dropped our lines near or under the floating leases. Immediate hits!! I got lots of just legal ones & all were put back. Wendy got a nice 32cm bream & lots of smaller ones.


Beautiful sunny day,water calm as, good fishing buddy beside me - what more can you ask for ..... other than FISH!!! It even makes the water look blue, but it was brown as! How good is this???


Where we got most of the fish.


A very pleasant day - some how the 6 hrs flew by :1yikes: & it was time to call the hubby to come & pick me up!



Hope to try some new lures out today :) :) I had to mortgage the house to buy them! :1yikes:

Wendy & I will be on the water a lot over this weekend with some other yakkers - can't wait to hit the water!

hi looks like you had a good time on the water .have a mate just move there i will have to get my yak up there and have some fun .good lock on the weekend tight line .pappy1
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Hi guys

STuff this, I'm going to use mullet!!

there were fish everywhere!

It seemed it was a carpet of fish

under the floating leases. Immediate hits!!

A very pleasant day Cheerio


Hi Roberta,

What lovely conditions to be out in, who cares if you catch a fish or not.

How deep is the water under the floating leases.

I used to tie up inside the oyster leases at night on the Georges River years ago, and used salted oyster for bait on an unweighted 6lb handline with a 1/0 suicide. By crikey the bream used to hammer that bait. You had to be quick before they wrapped you around the post that the leases were on. About 2 foot of water only.

Does anyone use oyster for bait now, or is it just too expensive?

They used to grow on our wharf so they were free for us. Yes we ate a hell of a lot of them - on the BBQ till shell opens, in goes some worshirstire sauce with tobasco - yummy.

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Hi Mariner - the water under the floating racks would be about 1m, maybe a bit more.

I've heard about the 'oyster & light line in the leases' trick .... just make sure you bring your own!! Gotta be quick to turn their heads tho!~ They know where the sharp bits are! Must try it one day - there are plenty of oysters on the breakwall I can gather .....Keith usually eats them whilst waiting for me to pack up!

Hi Pappy - look forward to meeting up when you visit! :)

Hi Peter - gorgeous reflections, got another nice one today! As you say - hard to believe the change in weather ...THANK GOD!! We'll go back looking for that flattie, no worries! Wendy is happier in the calmer water ..... I reckon she'll be catching it herself!! :biggrin2:

The lures are the short fat ones - got a chubby & a couple of others! Forgotten the name already! Can't wait to try them near the bridge along the weed beds there.

Thanks Hodgey & Stewy - I need all the encouragement I can get! Have added a bit of the Squidgie Pro scent .... don't think it made much difference yet .... tho I did have one bream eyeball a Rover hb that I was walking the dog with! Then I moved & he took off :(

If it doesn't rain for the next couple of days, it'll be a bonus!! No wind would be even better!! Wendy hasn't been out on a weekend with other boaters yet ..... we won't wander too far from the main channel & the Paddock, I think!



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Another great day fishing a beutiful waterway.

Forster / Tuncurry is were i plan to live one day , it has everything anyone could want , been trying to con the :wife: to move there for a few years now.

we still manage to get up that way minimum once a year.


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I've heard about the 'oyster & light line in the leases' trick .... just make sure you bring your own!! Gotta be quick to turn their heads tho!~ They know where the sharp bits are! Must try it one day - there are plenty of oysters on the breakwall I can gather .....Keith usually eats them whilst waiting for me to pack up!



Thanks Roberta,

The oysters need to be salted or they just fall off the hook.

Collect them and put them in a jar with plenty of salt, put them in the fridge and they keep forever.

I used to do this with fresh prawns that were left over from a days outing. Not the best bait but good to use when the pickers keep cleaning the hook.



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Hi Roberta,

I was in Tuncurry on Wed/Thu/Fri last week... the fishing was tough in the estuary. The amount of fresh water in there at the moment is phenomenal and has pushed nearly all the bait out. I had a couple of Yakkas (Yellowtail... not people in plastic boats) left in my live well when I came back into the boat ramp at Great Lakes Caravan Park at high tide and when I let them go, they swam along the surface trying to breath fresh air... obviously the water was just too fresh. I couldn't even find nippers.

I saw a few Yakkers (people in plastic boats) on the water working the racks and while I'm not certain, I think I saw the friend in your picture working some racks near the caravan park on Wednesday (and a beaut sunny day it was).

I went out with Mrs Slinky and fished some small reef areas at the Tanks and then around the headland. We had a ball working small soft plastics around and the action was non stop even if there were no bragging size fish among them.

Beautiful part of the world for you to paddle in.

Cheers, Slinky

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Hi SLinky

I was there with Wendy as well ..... in the grey Hobie - maybe I was further down, in the lease opposite the processing area when you were looking! :)

The water is much clearer over the last day or so - on the top of the in tide, anyway! It'll be a while before the out tide is totally clear! :(

Managed to get into a fair few bream over the last couple of days, only a few were legal or bigger, tho! Was surprised to catch a fat legal blackie on a hb lure, too! :1yikes:

Hi Mariner - thanks for the oyster tip .... I'll get the other half to hang onto some next time!!! :)

Hi CLiffe .... I still reckon we have one of the nicest towns on the mid north coast! :) But I could be biaised???



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