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Anyone Wanna Share What They Use To Make That Special Batch Of Burley


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I went and got some chicken pellets and weat and soaked them in hot water in my 20 litre bucket for a few hours. I then added about 20 thing snags that i had sitting in the gargae freezer that needed to be thrown out. After that i added 2 cans of cat food and some tune oil and i was done.

Seemed to work well

What do you use ???????

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hey hoges here's my mix

leftover bait prawns,pillys, squid,leftover live bait[yakkas] and fishframes

mince the lot

i mix in 20 ltr bucket the above minced about 1 quarter full

1 quarter cat food dry seafood mix

2 packets bread crums dry

1 ltr tuna oil

mix with a 9 iron and pack in pvc tubes the size off my berly bombs and freeze

we get about 10 tubes and a little for the live bait

would recomend the mincer as you want the mix fine so there are no bits for an easy feed for the target fish

we want the bait fish in a feeding frenzy as to atract the preditors

if were using bonito as bait thats the main ingediance in the berly

same with prawns

with squid we mix the ink with the berly at the last moment


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i use a simple mix of the no frills breadcrumbs (cheap as), abit of tuna oil, minced cat food and old bait.

all in a tub and frozen.

IMO the most important element is that the berley is fine so it disperses 'misty' in the water.

and also that if its frozen, u can sort of just leave it in the berley bucket and let it disperse on its own,

rather then mushing away noisily, in case it spooks any timid fish!


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Hi Hoges1974 In baitfish grounds I keep the burley on the surface and keep it simple. Broken up bread and tuna oil which a good mate of mine calls vegamite sandwiches is all you need. You don't want all the other pests around when you're concentrating on catching a good supply of bait fish quickly, so floating burley with a slight trickle downwards is all that's required to bring on and hold baitfish.

My burleying method to attract fish in general in deep water is to use a slow seepage system using a weighted bottom burly device to attract fish around the area of your lines and using sand and, fish frames shell grit etc marinated into the mix to hold fish in the area. I use a lot of take home baitfish and squid etc finely minced and grated salted and frozen and I make sure I include in the burley finely minced pieces of the same baits that I am actually fishing with.

Hope this information is of some help.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Instead of buying bread crumbs, go to your local baker and ask for a bag of old bread. $2.50-$3.00 will get you a huge bag of old bread rolls/loaves.

Soak these in a bucket with old bait, chook pellets and tuna oil to make a good burley. Adding sand will help get the burley down deeper if there is a strong current running (stops the boat behind you stealing all your hard work :mad3: )

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hey hoges1974

i just use

left over bait

fish heads and skelentons

live bait that had died

loaf of stail bread

chook pellets

bit of tuna oil

and sand to keep it under the water because ice floats

i put it all through the mincer except the sand, tuna oil and cook pellets

you can get tuna oil from any fishing shops

fisherboy :1fishing1:

ps. dont use a blender because a friend of mine did and broke it

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I have an old family recipe ( been in the family for over 12 months :1yikes: ). Take 2 bags of yellow Prawn flavoured pellets , add 1.5 bottles of " Liquid Lobster ( available at Fishfinder Bait and Tackle , not sure about GoFish) , adn half a block of cubed pillies . Mix and allow to stand overnight. Remix again , the pellets have mostly crumbled , and a small amount frequently tossed over the side ( we find a small purple toy shovel ideal for this purpose ) will bring the fish on. Absolutely fantastic for getting Yakkas , and we have noticed that when we have been using it , our catches have gutfulls of the stuff! Bream especially like to pig out on it .

Now here is the really cool thing , havent used it all? No problem , keep it in an airtight container , and leave it in the boat. IT DOES NOT GO OFF !!! Must be some sort of preservative in one of the ingredients , our PB is 3 weeks , opened the lid , and no evil smell , or any sign of decomposition of the pilly pieces at all.


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Fish frames, chook pellets, peas, corn, rice, bread, cat food, tuna oil, sand , water, left overs from any dinners.

Me and dad have a 200liter chest freezer for bait nd bits so any out of date food goes in there.

Mum put a pizza in the oven on friday nite....well make a long story short it came out black.

Made awsum burly on saturday.

cheers james

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  • 4 weeks later...

Fish frames, chook pellets, peas, corn, rice, bread, cat food, tuna oil, sand , water, left overs from any dinners.

Me and dad have a 200liter chest freezer for bait nd bits so any out of date food goes in there.

Mum put a pizza in the oven on friday nite....well make a long story short it came out black.

Made awsum burly on saturday.

cheers james

HAHHAHA @ pizza... nice one mate.... keep it up!!!!

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I have an old family recipe ( been in the family for over 12 months :1yikes: ).


You guys haven't learned anything from the Colonel :busted_cop: , he kept secret the 7 different herbs and spices he uses and look at the cash he has now! Buggered if I'm going to tell you my secret! :tease:

Now here is the really cool thing , havent used it all? No problem , keep it in an airtight container , and leave it in the boat. IT DOES NOT GO OFF !!! Must be some sort of preservative in one of the ingredients , our PB is 3 weeks , opened the lid , and no evil smell , or any sign of decomposition of the pilly pieces at all.


Flightmanager has obviously intercepted highly "Top Secret" documents from the Colonel's preservatives department on how to keep your chicken finger lickin good :action-smiley-073: , hence his special recipe :074::074:

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