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Georges River Niggers....monday


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Hi Raiders,

I had the day off work yesterday and decided to brave the elements and try the Georges for some blackfish in the afternoon (I had a choice of shopping with the wife and daughter or wetting a line………….ummm???) I decided to give it a go even though it was blowing a gale at home.

Got to my chosen spot (a spot I hadn’t fished before despite fishing the Georges for the last 25 plus years!) just the bottom of the tide and had instant success, landing a nice blackfish on my very first bait. The bite continued for about an hour before the blackfish moved on, by that time I had 5 keepers in the net, had pulled the hooks out of a few and lost a couple to the reef below.

It turned out to be a beautiful afternoon; the wind gave me no trouble at all and the occasional bit of drizzle was easy to put up with. A very enjoyable way to spend a winter’s afternoon! :biggrin2:

Sorry no pictures, I left in such a hurry that I left the camera at home. :1prop:

There are plenty on blackfish around for those who are willing top give it a go, or those who are luck enough find a supply of green weed.

Catch ya later,


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You got it right there Chris when you said those who are lucky enough to find a supply of green weed. There are plenty of fish around at the moment but getting the weed is almost impossible down this way :1badmood: (Illawarra).

Good luck to you - a great session on the water :thumbup: .


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You got it right there Chris when you said those who are lucky enough to find a supply of green weed. There are plenty of fish around at the moment but getting the weed is almost impossible down this way :1badmood: (Illawarra).

Good luck to you - a great session on the water :thumbup: .


Yeh Howard, getting a supply of weed has certainly become a bit of a problem.

The weed I used yesterday has been in my fridge for about two months, I'm amazed at how long it's stayed in good condition!!!

Gunna see if I can find some more this arvo......here's hoping.

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The weed I used yesterday has been in my fridge for about two months, I'm amazed at how long it's stayed in good condition!!!

Not bad going to keep weed from sliming up after two months.

I have been fortunate this year in that a reasonably reliable local weed spot has held heaps. Unfortunately it has a big sign that says DO NOT REMOVE FLORA AND FAUNA. I was down there the other afternoon and had an elderly lady threaten to call a ranger. I tried to explain that weed was a fungus and therefore neither flora or fauna.LOL

Two weeks later there happened to be a ranger there when i got back from fishing who told me not to worry too much just dont rip noticable chunks out of the other weed that grows in the pond.

So at this stage I dont have to rely on the fridge method.


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hey smitty, i grew up @ leumeah but moved up the coast after year 10, was a while ago now, im 35 now. my family still live down there, i fish and live up lake macquarie, went 4 a flick with me sp 2day from shore no luck but :05:

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Well done Smitty!! The ones that got off must have been goodies!!! :( Fun, aren't they??


I am using weed at least a month old - works very well & not slimey at all!! :)

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Ooooh - very Noice!!! Lucky you, Donna!! Bet I know where you & Stewy will be going soon .....

Hard to believe it is 12 months since our Forster Blackie Bash!!! Much more decent fish around this year!! :1badmood:



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Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh its good to have friends who deliver the weed to your door at all hours of the nite :yahoo:

Thanks Smitty ,you are a legend mate :thumbup:

Cheers Stewy

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Well done Smitty!! The ones that got off must have been goodies!!! :( Fun, aren't they??


I am using weed at least a month old - works very well & not slimey at all!! :)

They are great fun aren't they Roberta!! Most of the fish weren't huge, only between 28 and 33cm but at that size thay are sooooo sweet, but I'm sure you know that. The family and I had a great meal of crumbed boneless fillets for dinner tonight, its very hard to go past them!!! And catching them is definately my favouite winter hobbie. :biggrin2:

I have never had any problem keeping weed fresh, I just wash it well, wrap it in plenty of newspaper, pop it in a plastic bag and keep it in the bottom of the fridge...too easy.



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