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Idea: Changing Sinkers


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Hi all,

I've got that idea, which I'd like to share and get people's opinion on it. All my live baiting/trilling/bait rods are set up in the following way: double in the mainline (braid) tied to a reasonable sized swivel-and-snap. than I have various fluoro traces (different hooks, 2-hook rigs for squid, etc) that all end up with the swivel. This alloows me to change rigs quickly w/out re-tying knots (epsecially on braid). The only question remains is what if I want to add a sinker. So that's what I decided to do:

- took a piece of a wire trace (125kg) - about 5cm long,

- threaded through a barrel snker (various sizes)

- used a krimping tool to create loops,

- one loop has the same swivel-and-snap.

So to add/change sinkers I just need to use 2 snaps and that's it. But the downside is that I have more points of failure (2 krimped loops and a snap):

===braid===SNAP/---wire trace-- OOsinkerOOO---wire trace---SNAP/Swivel......leader....hook

So what do you think? Good idea or it was not worth the trouble?


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sounds a bit complex to me... but if it works for you, then by all means!

I simply tie a tagless dropper loop where I want my sinker to sit and add/remove/change sinkers as the the conditions require it...

Which raises my next question, does this reduce the strength of my leader line?

---- braid ---------====leader===(sinker on loop)========= Hook on the end ??


Edited by throw me a fish
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Most knots will reduce the strength of line but if you're tying them in leader heavier than the main line anyway, its not likely to be the weakest link. I often tie a loop of mono to the swivel connecting the trace or sometimes rubberbands which are even eaiser.

Cheers, Slinky

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Thanks everybody for replying. I tried loops and those plastic things that have a clip on them... but somehow I didn' like the way the sinker hangs from the "side" of my line - if you cath my drift :D

Th whole idea was to change barrel and ball sinkers that will sit straight on the line. You right, it is complex though, hence my doubts.

Perhaps I'll make couple tonight and see how they go...

inhlanzi, looks like those "C Sinkers" are spot on idea... if I evere be able to find them; the web site is doen (not your linl, but the following link to the manufacturer).

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