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Wallis Lake 24/6


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Hi guys

We had a lovely day here yesterday (& today ...) blue skies, sunny & even warm once you were in the sun! Got the yak out in the afternoon to take advantage of the last of the high tide & the start of the out ...... hopefully to get some blackies & even toss some lures to bream.

Tossed out some poppers with no response from Mr Breambo - then put on a jointed Rebel minnow & got what I thought was a long tom (as they were chasing the lure right up to the yak)

Wrong, in the right way! :)


Then another one


Then I saw the huge blackies mooching around the weedbed & targetted those. Got one nice one, & had 3 others on that got off. A couple of throw backs, then I hooked a monster ..... which broke the main line!! :( That wasn't supposed to happen .... but I guess I should upgrade my 6lb braid ?? Luckily, I retrieved my float, but can't help feeling sorry for the fish - not only does he have a hook as bling in his mouth .... he also has the sinkers/weights trailing 30cm behind as well!!! I put on a pencil float & tried to fish again, but it wasn't the same .... will re-rig my favourite float & give it another go soon!! :)

THis one went 37cm & there were bigger ones out there!! :1yikes:




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What a beautiful looking day on the water. Look at all that scrumptious weed in your yak... careful or you'll have weed pirates racing around in black painted yaks pillaging your stash. Keep an eye open for ugly looking guys with wooden legs and empty pizza boxes.

Nice looking fish. Like most people, I've got a couple of jointed lures somewhere in the bottom of a tackle box... but I've never given them a swim. Nice to know they work. At least you didn't lose your favourite float!

Cheers, Slinky

(I should be working)

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Another great day out Roberta. Wendy didn't join you?

Nice Blackie, I note that it doesn't have the customary cut on the back of the head?

How about the breambos - did they go back to fight another day?

Haven't got any jointed lures, always considered them to have "too much action", but good to hear that you had success with them. Might think about buying one next time!

How long did you fish the change of the tide? and did they stay on the bite for much of the run out?

Great photos too! :thumbup:



(I am working) :tease:

Edited by Mariner 31
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hehehe How very observant of both of you!! I noticed my 'very nice looking weed' in the photo - it is indeed the stuff from the pizza box & has kept superbly well!!! :) :) I'll keep an eye out for suspicious looking boaters .... that are looking at my weed instead of my fish!

Re the jointed lure - this one is quite small (bigger than an sx40) & I found it in a bargain bin ...... can't wait to try it when they are really 'on'! Give yours a go, Slinky!

Hi Mariner

At that point in time, he very nearly went free, being the only one I caught, but I had a couple more in the freezer, which I will thaw & put all 3 in to the smoker! :) YUM! He was actually very much alive when the photo was taken (check out his eye ....... looking down, not centralised!)

Unfortunately, Wendy is on fulltime Parent Sitting just now - her Mum has been crook & her Dad needed 24/7 care. I was wishing she was there, as she would have loved it!! I will take her there when we are out together next. I was fishing in water less than a metre deep & could see all the big blackies hooning above the weedbeds in about 30cm of water! Very exciting!

Yes - the breambos went back to grow bigger ..... I was hoping their grandfather would jump on the hooks ..... you could see them in the extremely clear water, mooching around on the sandy seabed! They've been getting some good ones on sps in & around the leases ...... but I am not good at that ..... yet!

I think I got there about 2pm & left after 4.30pm I missed most of the top of the in tide - I think the tides are way off the tide chart recommendations just now!! :wacko: Anyone else noticed that??

I guess the tides most of the time, now - even my watch isn't telling the truth!! Must check the settings again!! :tease: Sometimes I go online & check the Forster Bar Cam to see what stage it is at ...... the little pond on the side is the best indication! :)



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Gee you have some gear in your yak, Robert! Bins of weed, rods, landing net, fishing knife .. and somewhere buried down there should be a pair of legs! :1yikes: You must have a great routine and organisation 'plan' now. :074:

Those bream look terrific. Nice silvery color. The blackie is a beauty, and worthy of joining his mates in the smoker!

Looks like you had lovely weather for a day on the water :thumbup::thumbup:


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Good on ya Roberta,

Another great little session, thanks for sharing it wit us :thumbup: .

I always enjoy reading your posts.......especially when I'm sitting here at work........makes me want to take a sickie and wet a line myself!!! Beaut photos by the way; the weather here in Sydney today looks like it did in Forster yesterday - MAGNIFICENT.

Nice weed!!! I wonder............if I print off those photos and cut out the weed bits.............will the blackfish fall for it??? Now I'm dreamin again :1prop::1prop: .........better get back to work.

Keep it up,


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hehehe Got all excited & went out again this afternoon ..... very slow! Didn't take the flick stick so was a bit bored & annoyed waiting for the tide to change ..... got a couple of throwbacks & just watched them spooking by! Perhaps the one with the hook bling & sinker earrings told his mates to Watch Out!!! :(

Once again, a gorgeous day out there ....... pretty soon, like now, the 'out tide' will be right for first thing in the morning! :) Something to look forward to!


MInd over mattress ..... the mattress usually wins!! :biggrin2:


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