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Lost Monster Croc, Mixed Bag And Penguins In The Harbour


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Looked at the swell report and decided to give therocks and the pigs a miss. Took the yak out in the harbour instead. Hit a fav summer fishing spot in the hope that little wind would make for a pleasant arvo out. Armed with nippers, HBs and SPs, I launched at the leisurely hour of 11:30am to catch the last of the run in. First trolling with Hbs (including a brand spanking SX-40 out of the pack I noticed a touch on one rod...took it out of the holder and felt a couple of gentle head shakes and proceded to bring in what I thought was a flatty. She came torwards without a whimper and as I lifted the rod tip to get colour....I saw the biggest flatty pop straight up next to the yak...it must have been close to a metre in length and a foot across the head ( No BS as my PB is 96cm)...bad news was no sign of the lure and with a little head shake and a shimmy she left me palpitating and &^%$#ing. I sat in disbelief for a few minutes and retied another HB onto a easily severed 12 pound trace. Anyway the arvo was pleasant and I picked up 3 flatties from 42-46cm and a nice whiting of 33cm but the most interesting was ablackfish of 36cm hammering a HB. I was also harrased by 3 fairy penguins that circled the yak and squawked at me on and off the whole afternoon. Had a great arvo and scoreda good feed.

Cheers Rob






Edited by jenno64
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:mad3::mad3: Bad luck on dropping the big girl Rob.

From the sounds of your tackle, the last thing you were expecting was a fish of that size :1yikes:

Great to see you got onto a nice feed of fish regardless. Some nice photos too!


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You would have to be happy with that mixed bag.

Well done!

:thumbup: I bet they taste even sweeter knowing that they were caught with paddle power. :thumbup:

Add to that the smooth conditions, it must have been a great arvo on the water.

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nice mixed bag you got there mate.

its amazing the amount of different sea life in the harbour at the moment, the other day standing at manly whalf looking down at some nice sized bream and surgeons (no rod and its no fishing) a seal swam past and just started playing around in the water around the whalf.

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Guest Ben75

Gday Rob

Nice feed there Mate . Hows that a Blackie on a lure is that your first ? I have caught a few on the troll now the

on Hb lures.

Cheers Ben

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