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Kings Kings Kings Are On! Then Its Jew Jew Jews!


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Hit the Habour early this morning at Spot X. This spot has been firing up for at least three weeks now and barley fished from what I know (well I can't see boats around this place when I am at work). Usual baits taking the odd hoods around and my Dad scores himself his first for 2008. Not bad from a man who only beliveives in PRAWNS as bait! We had a big missed on a large FK (greater than 1 metre) but we should be back to tackle him soon again.

Big baits took the fish today and it was a splendid day on the water.

Have any raiders found spots where kings are all year yet? I hope this spot produces in summer cause it will be game on if these hoods hang around.

Spot was blacked out to conserve the fish. Catch and release for us lately for the kings.

Jews were caught on Monday night with my new 3500 bait runner. We have not missed a fish yet on this reel. However these smaller fish were kept for the table.

Great with all these little winds at the moment, I hope it keeps up like this, this summer. These are perfect fishing conditions for people who brave a little cold before the sun is up. Got to be in it to win it!

Enjoy :thumbup:



Edited by squidboy
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Have any raiders found spots where kings are all year yet? I hope this spot produces in summer cause it will be game on if these hoods hang around.

Not having a go but how can you expect people to give up their spots when you won't give up yours?

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Righto fellas ... play nice :1badmood:

Squidboy, I understand you want to 'protect' your favourite spot but IMO changing the background like that really detracts from the photo. :( Three suggestions for you;

Don't post the photo,

Move from your location to take the photo, or

Take it on a steeper angle so all you can see is water.

Regardless of the photo issue, congrats on a great session and I hope you have plenty more.


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I completly understand your posts guys, but seriously, If we smash these spots like shark island and balls head there will be as many fish as what you would find in a swimming pool, none! I catch and release and keep one if I am lucky with the kings. I honestly do not need more than 1 fish a week or even a fortnight.

I will try and take photos a bit better next time, but we generally catch, take the photo and then release them back to their homes where they came from without too much stress.

For the people that want to give spot x away, its fine, the moment you do that, don't expect to ever fish it again in peace or catch them again.

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Nice fish mate!

Fishraider is definitely a site for sharing but you are quite within your rights to keep some spots to yourself as well and shouldn't feel bad for doing so!!!

Well done on the fish!

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Nice fish mate, hopefully I can pick up a few tomorrow.

Now sharing information is great but when it comes to fishing spots I totally agree with Squid, we can't go hammering the crap out of them.

There is nothing more annoying that turning up to your spot to see heaps of boats week after week.

If all you're ever relying on for a catch is a spot someone else went to a few days ago then you're never going to really learn anything considerable about the waterways you fish, sure you may enjoy going to said spot and getting a good catch on a regular basis but I myself think that's a hollow victory in a sense.

The harbor is quite large, poke your nose around and see what you find.

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Good work squidboy.. took you a while to finally cotton on to our techniques!!

Glad you and your dad are now getting some success at my fave spot :1prop:

Dale and I went out last night for a session, Dale got a king before the sun went down, then got in to some trevs.

Nice Jews btw - same spot we fished last time?

I have been scoping out some fishy looking holes on the other side of the river recently.


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Long time no reports!. Usuall haunt is landing the kings lately on the usual technique. Or should I call it unusual technique??? I don't know.

Jews are from the same spot. Took Dad out and he managed three I got two and my brother one. We realsed what could go back and kept the dead ones in the photo. They really would not of survived if we put them back.

I have too sounded the area and a little down channel to the left looks like where the larger ones are hanging out of late. Might spend a day working plaastics over these deeper edges of the hole and see what rattles!


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