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Hang Over Cures

brother of tang

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So as the title says, give us all your best hang over cure, theres got to be millions of them out there, everyone you talk to seems to have their own special cure. Well mines is in 2 parts, the first is to help prevent it from happening, drink heaps of water before you go to bed, and part 2 is the good old greasy feed of bacon and eggs or something like that when you get up. So, lets hear it, whats yours???

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Basically when I'm good and hammered I stop drinking for about an hour, then I drink water for an hour and then I hit the alcohol again.

I usually wake up in the morning feeling pretty damn good.

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here's what we used on mine shutdowns

drink till 2.00am and take 2 tinnys to bed

open before you go to bed drink one at 4.00am and the uther at 6.00

good feed at 7.30 you slowly ease into a hangover at about 12.00


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Drink real ale rather than the commercialised chemical fizz that the majority of big brewers put out masquerading as beer!

No chemicals = no hangovers & you can drink until the cows come home with no problems.

If you don't have a pub nearby that serves real ale, try brewing it yourself. Much cheaper, better flavour and you get the satisfaction that you did it yourself. I prefer Coopers myself, but there's many other kits available that are equally as nice.

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Drink real ale rather than the commercialised chemical fizz that the majority of big brewers put out masquerading as beer!

No chemicals = no hangovers & you can drink until the cows come home with no problems.

Alcohol a is diuretic so no matter how it's made the cause of a hang over, dehydration, remains.

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Alcohol a is diuretic so no matter how it's made the cause of a hang over, dehydration, remains.

Thats why I drink heaps of water (atleast 1L even 2L if I can stomach it) before I go to bed, Always feel better in the mornings when I've remembered to drink the water compared to when I forget about it.

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I am still thoroughly researching this topic, so am not prepared and do not feel I am educated enough to decide on my final ruling yet..

But at this stage, 2-3 x Hair o ye Dog with any reheated meal from up to 2 Dinners Prior will improve your wellbeing....

On the otherhand, 2 x Party sized packets of CC's with an Assortment of dips, will not..(you may exerience breif Euphoria with the 2nd Pack, but this will soon lead to a much worse condition.)


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As mentioned , the after effects of a big night on the suds can basically be blamed on 2 factors :

1) The dehydrating effect of alcohol and

2) The additives commercial alcohol manufacturers put into their products.

Dehydration makes you feel bloody awful , it stuffs up your electrolyte balance , gives you a monster headache and a general feeling of lethargy. The additives are chemicals ( including Arsenic) which also have a bad effect on your system.

So , what I have found works pretty well for me is , have a sports drink and 2 panadol before retiring. The sports drink helps restore the electrolyte balance , and the panadol helps with the headache. Its not just the water that the alcohol leaches out , but the minerals and salts that we need to function .

As for the additives , a few years ago , I went to spend a week fishing at Wooli with a good mate from QLD. Now Max likes a few rums during the course of the day , but he makes his own . Its triple filtered , and contains absolutely no chemicals . We were drinking 1.25 litres of the stuff EVERY DAY between the 2 of us . We never woke up with anything worse than a slightly dry mouth . We did this for 4 straight days . ( My liver is only now starting to talk to me !!) . Drinking the same amount of commercial rum would have seen us very ill indeed I suspect !!

Lastly , remember these wise words :



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As mentioned , the after effects of a big night on the suds can basically be blamed on 2 factors :

1) The dehydrating effect of alcohol and

2) The additives commercial alcohol manufacturers put into their products.

Dehydration makes you feel bloody awful , it stuffs up your electrolyte balance , gives you a monster headache and a general feeling of lethargy. The additives are chemicals ( including Arsenic) which also have a bad effect on your system.

So , what I have found works pretty well for me is , have a sports drink and 2 panadol before retiring. The sports drink helps restore the electrolyte balance , and the panadol helps with the headache. Its not just the water that the alcohol leaches out , but the minerals and salts that we need to function .

As for the additives , a few years ago , I went to spend a week fishing at Wooli with a good mate from QLD. Now Max likes a few rums during the course of the day , but he makes his own . Its triple filtered , and contains absolutely no chemicals . We were drinking 1.25 litres of the stuff EVERY DAY between the 2 of us . We never woke up with anything worse than a slightly dry mouth . We did this for 4 straight days . ( My liver is only now starting to talk to me !!) . Drinking the same amount of commercial rum would have seen us very ill indeed I suspect !!

Lastly , remember these wise words :



Hahahha that is awesome. I dont really buy the whole preservatives in alcohol crap but obviously a few of you seasoned veterans do so maybe I should look into it further.

water before sleeping is the single best thing you can do - mix in a bit of staminade and bobs your uncle.

I find if I stick to the beers my body loves me for it the next day - if I mix in a few shots etc... it spells pain and destruction. moral of the story



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Alcohol a is diuretic so no matter how it's made the cause of a hang over, dehydration, remains.

Agree .. but disagree... drinking the german beers, no additives, preservatives, lessens the dehydration...

I find when I drink the german beers, coopers, etc... I still feel a little lethargic, but no headaches, and no feeling ill the next morning... for the smokers, try drinking without having any cigarettes.. huge difference too..

Best thing though, is to drink water in between your drinks.. a glass of water every 3/4 beers will have you feeling a million bucks... hardest thing sometimes, can be remembering to drink water once you've already had a few too many... :wacko:

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Best hangover cure on a plane is a bloody mary with heaps of tabasco and pepper.

After 3 days awake on as many things Amsterdam muster into my body I entered a plane for a 36hr marathon trip back to Australia.

With my body starting to go threw the swets my new found best mate, a air hostess that was willing to feed me drinks before takeoff( I hate flying) she recommended a bloody mary to get some health into me.

Well it worked a treat and was the first time in over 100hrs of flying I went to sleep on a plane!


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Prevention is definetly better than the cure. But if you have listened to the little devil on your shoulder and been on a bender, or your best mates bucks and you are looking for a place to roll up and die, the only cure is a couple of hair of the dogs. If you can't stomach it your not desperate enough.

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The best cure for a hangover is to not stop drinking in the first place. Just keep going and you will be right.

Remember, it is only binge drinking if you stop...

Further to that... It's not drinking that causes hangovers, it's getting up the next day!

Simply don't wake up the next morning!

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