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Big Cuttlefish


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Havn't ben out for a while due to weather and other committments but here was a big cuttlefish i caught last year while calamari fishing.

I didn't think it was worth much of a post but its something a bit different and i was wondering if it could be entered into the records section. I noticed there was a cutlefish in there and this one pictured was 147cm and weighed 14.3kg.




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They are fantastic eating, maybe even nicer than squid. The two "arms" are very sweet but have an unusual soft texture. They are definitely the best part for bait though. Just remember if you plan on eating the body that the inside has several layers of very thin membrane which toughens up when cooked so its necessary to peel as much off as possilbe. This takes ages and is definetly a "labour of love". But once you have tasted fresh cuttlefish you will be wiling to put in the effort again.

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Guest Big-Banana

After catching a biggie, they are all used for bait now. I think I spent over 45 minutes cleaning the last one :thumbdown:

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Every budgie in Australia is weeping! That's an impressive beast and definitely worth a post... not to mention 14kg of A1 kingie strip bait.

Cheers, Slinky

:074: The budgies loss is Andrew's gain :thumbup:

What an amazing critter :1yikes: Judging by what Scienceman and the others have said, you have ample there for a feed AND bait! :biggrin2: Well worth the post mate ... well done!


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Nice cuttle there mate.

I caught one at quarantine last year and let it go!!

The other boats around me looked on in amazement.

I wont be letting the next sucker go as like Hookem said, i will be stripping that fella down for kingies.

Cuttles like octopus really freak me out i dont like handling them. Mate its funny what creatures give you the shivers. Sharks for instance dont freak me out at all. I jumped in the surf a year or two ago at night at longie to pull in a nice size whaler my mate hooked.

Gotta admit i got into trouble from my wife when i told her.


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I copped no ink lala as i am ususally careful when landing any squid or cuttlefish to avoid getting inked. (Mind you my worst was copping a faceful of calamari ink in Jervis Bay while night fishing for em :tease: )

Slinky, don't worry about the budgies, my grandfathers bird had the pressie of a lifetime :1prop:

As for eating. Well i have eaten cuttlefish before and they are quite nice. This one was soo massive that it was extremely tough. We attempted a bit in a soup style dish but this did not mae is easier to eat, The best result came from bashing the clean flesh with a schnitzel hammer and tenderising the meat that way (it worked quite well). Basically the taste was good but it was difficult due to its toughness... A fair bit made its way into the freezer as packaged bait.

This was by far my biggest but i have caught numerous speciments around the 5-8kg mark and i put most of them back nowadays. I don't see much a point in killing these big creatures when they are at a size which rendes them difficult for eating or use as bait.

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thats a giant cuttlefish (i wonder where they got the name) they are different to the usual ones you catch. when i did my dive course earlier in the year it was there breading time and there where heaps of them round shelly beach (cant fish there), but we saw one eating a groper they get massive and they are weird looking under water.

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That's huge! I fish metal jigs yo yo style over reefs and gravel beds and big cuttlefish are a regular bi catch, mind you not as big as that one but big enough. IMHO if you want to target them forget squid jigs, use 60-80 gram raiders and fish them slow down deep. If there's any around it won't take too long for one to jump on.



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