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Off To Stockton Beach Again


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hi guys

Keith & I are off to Stockton Beach caravan park today for the weekend - Keith is competing in the Australian Duathlon Championship on Sunday.

Already raining here now, so probably will be the same down the coast - but they reckon it'll fine up by Sunday ..... here's hoping it is better than Last Year when the cyclonic winds blew the Pasha Bulka aground & nearly destroyed our tent & gear - it also cancelled last year's event, so this is the replacement one!

FIngers crossed ....... I'll be taking some fishing gear with me on the offchance I get to toss a line in :) :)



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Have fun Roberta :thumbup:

Weather isnt looking to good for today and tomorrow

Duathlons are good I used to do a 10km funrun(how can the word fun be related to running) course for off season soccer training when I was a teenager with a mate who became the world duathlon champ and also competed in the St George triathlon series back in the early nineties

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....... I'll be taking some fishing gear with me on the offchance I get to toss a line in :) :)

offchance??? I'm positive that there is a degree of 'certainty' about your offchance... :1prop:

Best pf luck to keith! and watch out blackies... Roberta's on her way!

:1fishing1: AJ

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Short Forecast

Residual SSE swell verges on flat across the NSW coast by Thursday morning and remains tiny to flat on Friday.

A new swell event gets underway on Friday as a low deepens off the NSW coast, generating a slight increase in windswell on Friday afternoon preceding a steep increase in SSE storm swell to five to eight feet by Saturday morning, with exposed locations blown out by gale force SSW winds.

S swell and winds gradually ease throughout Saturday afternoon and good conditions likely on Sunday morning as SSE swell abates to three to five feet combining with moderate SW winds.

Hi Roberta, just a copy and paste from Coastalwatch, they are not always right as we know..

Hope you enjoy your weekend anyway... Cheers...

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Hi guys

Well, Fri & Sat were the pits!! We had 100kph winds & sleeting rain ...... we were sitting in our camper at Stockton Caravan Park, waiting for another boat to run aground! We couldn't believe our bad luck - the last time we stayed there was when the Pasha Bulka ran aground & we thought we may have been the cause! :1yikes: Absolutely miserable!! Thank God the Olympics were on, to while away the time! :( Keith was regretting taking the camper saying ....'we should have booked a motel!'

A young couple wandered in from the breakwall, really impressed with our camping setup (Welcome to Fishraider, Jaxun!!) We chatted for some time & showed them our rig. They live near Newcastle but haven't managed to get many decent fish ..... yet! After reading up on FR articles, I bet they'll be catching soon!

Between squals, I wandered the short breakwall with my rod & a TT and only got half way before turning back - the sky was pitch black & I was on a 45 degree angle fighting the wind! My balance on the uneven rocks wasn't too crash hot, either! :wacko: Managed to get back to camp before the rain set in too badly, to find that Keith was out for a walk! He wandered back after 1/2hr looking like a drowned rat! :mad3:

We went over to the race area on the Sat, to find the waves crashing over the road where the athletes were to compete the next morning & we really thought the race would have to be either cancelled or the course changed dramatically!!

Sunday loomed bright & sunny with very little wind! :yahoo: We got up at 4am so we could park in Nobby's carpark before they closed it off to vehicles :thumbup: I promptly went back to bed & tried to sleep till 6.30 when lots of noise started happening as folk turned up, banging around the place (then I realised it was Keith!)

He had a terrific race, winning his age group, so now he is the Australasian Duathlon Champion! :yahoo: His twin brother came up from Sydney to cheer him on, so it was a fun day for all. Stupidly, I didn't take a rod with me on the day & was eyeing off all the jetties along the waterfront near Nobbies, thinking "I bet there are blackies under there!!!"

On Sat afternoon, I watched a couple of blokes fishing from the footpath where the waves were crashing across the road, & they had one good blackie. The previous day I'd seen another bloke further along with a bucket full!

We wandered home on Monday Monrning & by 4pm I was at the L jetty at Forster Marina & hooked into 2 nice blackies (put back.) At the same spot, I also met up with my best friend's brother in law who was in town with his wife (another fishing tragic) so was able to give him some fresh weed (I'd gathered some at Stockton!) He also got one, which he was happy with, as it was the first one he'd caught all week!

Yesterday I met up with a lovely Sth African couple who are intrigued by blackie fishing, so I will be meeting up with them this morning, to help them rig up & hopefully get them into some fish! They are threatening bad weather for the rest of the week up here, but I hope it hangs off, as the high tide is in the mornings & I am keen to get out in the yak & give the racks another go! :)

Hehehe Carl - i was very aware of the 'midnight raiders' & had taken a motion activated alarm with us - but didn't want to put it outside as it was raining, so rigged it from the inside, looking out! I don't think it works thru tinted glass windows tho! It only worked when Keith opened the door! Will refine it with more trips, to be sure!

Cheerio for now


Edited by Roberta
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Shame the weather turned against you again Roberta! :1badmood:

But ... how good was that result for Keith! :yahoo::yahoo: Congrats to him on a tremendous result :thumbup:

I noticed it didn't take long on Monday before you were back into the blackies again .... you really are addicted to fish pie, aren't you? :biggrin2:


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