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Fishing Corner


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The following is an excerpt from a gun US bass angler, living in Japan:

At home, it is not uncommon for a devout Japanese bass angler to have a sacred kind of fishing corner in his house. It is just a small space where his rods, reels, lures, tackle bag, fishing vest or jacket, hat and other accessories are prepared and laid out in this special corner in a befitting manner when he is not using them. A sort of a shrine to fishing? Yes, I think so. His corner may contain photos, a lucky lure or other special object like that. In this way, no matter what else goes on in his life, his fishing corner remains tranquil and always ready. One look at it brings back the many memories his fishing corner holds of fish and friends past...and it holds his wishes of fishes yet to come in his future.

Lures, of course, are an important part of this. After all, it is the lure that the fish dreams to bite. The fish hasn't any interest whatsoever in the rod, reel, line, fishing vest, patches, hat, tackle bag, boat, motor, trailer, electronics or tow rig. All necessary? Surely. Yet the fish dreams of the lure alone, and the fish honors the manufacturer who made it and honors the angler who presents this lure to the fish in the manner that is befitting for the fish to bite it.

The moment when the fish is lured and played...when the hook's hold is removed from his lip...when the man grasps an astonishingly fine fish in his hand. He respects it, thanks it for making the dream his reality, and returns it carefully back to its life. The man and the fish have both been set free. Time and life's troubles do not exist at that moment. It is the moment that fishing means. It is the moment that lives forever - never to be forgotten, never to be excused, confused or compromised by anything else - in the angler's sacred fishing corner of his mind.

How cool is that!


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Fantastic read!

And it's not the japanese alon who have their 'fishing corner' .. we all do in someway or another...

my fishing corner is in the garage, not a shrine as such, but the :wife: doesn't touch it... it can be kept as neat or messy as I want :biggrin2:

Every day when I get in the car to go to work or get home from work, and a quick glance at the tackle brings a quick flashback into mind...

pure gold! where'd you find that article?

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I can relate to that. Fishing is something that some of us put a very large investment into. The least we should have is a shrine or memento as such. All my gear I keep in the bedroom as that it the one room that I know it will stay safe in.

Good excuse to play around with it when one can't sleep also.

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Kit: that's why it comes with a profundity warning. I read it a few times myself b4 the light switched on!

Luderick Angler: :thumbup:

TMAF: the article is here. Stumbled across it when I googled Valley Hill Tackle (looking for a new rod). I have a few fishing corners in my corner of "The Cove" also. :1worthy:

Mariner 31...the bedroom? You have TV in the Solomons, right?? :tease:

No wonder the Japs are so innovative with tackle.


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Very Zen Jig,

Just reading that makes me feel tranquil... if there's one thing the japanese know how to do, it's to find beauty and harmony in the pursuit of every aspect of life from sweeping streets, to gardening, to making tea.

If I could could capture the same sense of harmony in the seeking and capture of every fish, I'd live a very happy life.

Something to aspire to.

Cheers, Slinky

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