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Queensland Fishing


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Hey Raiders,

I was lucky enough to spend 2 weeks up in Queensland. I was up there for mainly business but i did get some fishing in. The friday we arrived, we were lucky enough to score a spot in the ABT pro/am which was held on the Tweed River. We caught numerous species but we lacked in the Bream department with only one legal fish to be weighed in. The boat we went in was the fastest there and the bloody ripper pulled an amazing 90mph!! Thats miles.

It feels like you face is being ripped off :1yikes: We were excited to to have fished with some popular pro's like Ian miller,Steve morgan,Scott Towner and Chris Wright.

We fished everywhere from Bribie Island and all around Moreton Bay. We did get alot of fish but it lacked the excitement of fishing at home, mainly because we didnt have a bloody clue what and where was good and what wasnt.

Dissapointment didnt kill the sprits we did get our first Snapper on Blades and the soapie Jewies were a frequient catch but overall not much size in any of our fish.

It was a great 2 weeks and we enjoyed the time off.

Cheers Cam






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Good on you Cam :thumbup:

Sounds like you had a terrific trip. What a terrific opportunity to 'brush shoulders' with some accomplished fishos. Hopefully they were very forthcoming with suggestions and tips that will improve your future trips. You have well and truly caught the blade bug, haven't you? :biggrin2:

Hope to see you down our way again soon; particularly when the water heats up, for some surface lure excitement :thumbup:


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Well done to you Cam, seems like you had a good time. :thumbup:

I've been lucky enough to fish with both Ian Miller and Scott Towner (along with many others in the ABT) and they, along with the many others, are really great ambassadors to the sport and very helpful and friendly as well.

Great stuff.........

cheers :beersmile:


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Was that the Basscat in the pic?

Is the Merc a 275or 300xs?

90 is nuts!

I went for a run while a friend was running in a ski boat, from 90-110 in a flash sends the head back with the weight of the helmet. One thing I'll tell ya's, I've never held my butt checks so tight together, I coulda cracked walnuts in there!


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Hi Cam

Well done on scoring a spot in the Bream comp!! :1yikes: The boat ride would have been terrific too. So glad you got into some good fish, tho the bream were a bit scarce! :( Always a bit tricky when fishing a new spot.

How amazing, to fish with the 'gods' of bream fishing!! Bet the smile is still on your dial!!



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Thanks Guys, yeah it was awsome experience

Greg- Yeah it was in the Bass Cat im not sure about the HP on the engine but going that fast for 10minutes hurts you face.....Those boats sit on the water so good regardless of the chop or wake from another boat.

I had to hold my sunnies on my head when we were moving along and the hat automatically came off when we were moving from spot to spot. :1yikes:

Poddy- The rods are secured as you see them by velcro straps connected to the floor(see last pic on the right of the boat with the SOL outfit). I did get a little worried about them taking off, not for the fact i would loose a outfit but the fact that i would get smashed in the face with a rod and reel :074:

There was one moment when there was a pelican we had to dodge and missed him by a hair!!!

Also those boats get the ass out too around corners too.

The Pro we were with was the distributor for Bass Cats in Australia. Top Bloke too.

Cheers All


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