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A Good Session On The Breakwall


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Hi guys

I met up with Colleen again yesterday morning & we hit the breakwall for a little while in the morning, but things were pretty quiet & the tide was running faster than I thought, so we went & chatted & had a cuppa till lunchtime, then went down after a bite to eat. The big boys had caught heaps further up the wall the afternoon before, so was confident of getting a couple.


Pretty quickly, I got a double hookup of smaller fish which went back into the briney, then Colleen got a nice fish on, only to lose it near the rocks! :( I got one into the net & into the bucket, so we were on the board! Colleen hooks another one & after a couple of seconds, it also gets off! :wacko: Hmmmm, getting a bit annoyed, but enjoying the 'practise'! I hooked another one & popped him in the bucket. Colleen's next 2 fish also get off & by then, she is getting a bit more annoyed! :1badmood: I check her hook to make sure it hasn't bent out of shape or lost the barb, but it is OK.

Then I get a nice double hookup! Originally I thought it was only the one fish & thought it would be a beauty - but as they came into view, could see that 2 nice ones were on. Luckily I was able to net them both!


Then, she hooks into a WHOPPER!! It would be one of the biggest fish I have seen this season, with a huge girth! I scramble across the rocks to get the net to her, telling her to keep it away from the rocks (covered with oysters) but she is still in 'bait fishing mode' and reefs the fish out of the water on the 6lb line! :wacko: I am trying to get the net under the bucking fish & the weight of it forces Colleen to drop the rod tip & the line touches an oyster & PING! The line snaps, the fish falls between the rocks & ducks under one! :mad3: SHAME - it was HUGE! Well over 40cm! I re-rigged with one of my traces using a finer gauge hook & finally Colleen hooks a fish & lands it! Not long after, she hooks another one - in the mid to high 30's! She is ecstatic!

Doing a Rex Hunt!


We kept 8 fish all up, with the biggest one just under 40cm!


We also put back about 8 fish, most of them legal, as we had enough in the bucket. If Colleen had managed to land all her fish, at one point there, she would have outfished me comprehensively! She had a ball & I know she will be back out there again today with husband John. He was having a rest day yesterday, reading The Best Ever Blackie Tips, so will be ready to catch some today!

I have guests for the weekend, so may not be out & about as much ...... who knows???



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Hey Roberta

That is a great report! Such a shame Colleen dropped a couple of fish earlier on (especially that super-sized model :1badmood: ) but it sounds like she finished on a high! That is a great effort to land a double hook-up ...well done :1yikes:

Some terrific photos, a great haul of fish, and a day spent on the water with friends ... that's what it's all about! :thumbup::thumbup:



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Fantastic report Roberta. A great read and, as always, the photos were fantastic!

Shame about the one that got away but ... tomorrow is another day!

Colleen's slow start sure didn't seem to make any difference to the final result. You both smashed it!

Well done!



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Hi Hodgey

She was stoked!! When you consider her reel is so heavy & the rod so stiff & difficult to cast, yet still able to hook & land the elusive blackie ....... she is a good fisho!! :) :) It was also short, so hard to keep the fish out from the rocks!

With every catch, we were hollering & yahooing - everyone could hear us! And that was whether we landed it on not! :) We also managed to scrounge some fresh weed yesterday morning, & reckon that was the main reason for our outstanding success on the day! The day before, we were using old weed that I had gathered or been given that was weeks old. We still had hits on that occasion & caught some, but yesterday's session was just so HOT & the Fresh Weed was the only variation from the day before!

Fresh IS Best



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Hey Roberta,

Im always up at forster during christmas time and i tend to fish the breakwall targeting bream. Is it worth my while targeting the blackfish of the wall during the summer or should i just stick to the flatties and whiting in the lake?


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.....Is it worth my while targeting the blackfish of the wall during the summer.....

Hi Anthony

I got my biggest ever blackie landed (45cm) at the end of November - definitely worth trying for them over summer! Also, there is usually a stack of weed around then too!!

Matter of fact, I reckon you'd have a better chance with the blackies (cos they hang around the wall & structure like leases etc) whereas the bream & flatties get a bit scarce with all the increased boating traffic over Xmas! Still have a go for bream, flatties & whiting, but defintely give the blackies a go too!

If you want, give me a yahoo when you get here & we can try together! :) :)



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It's a sad rule of the universe that the big ones always get away. :1crybaby:

Oh well, sounds like you and Colleen had a great fun time on the wall. I'm a bit concerned that Colleen seems to be a bit too attached to her Blackie.... maybe a bit too much sun up there on the mid North Coast?? Or perhaps the lunch break to await the tide involved a little :1wine:

I continue to envy your skill with the weed gathering and blackie catching but more than anything, the paradise you live in with such beautiful water at your doorstep. Lots of fun reading your posts until I get to my new, fishier address.

Cheers, Slinky

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hehehe SLinky - when you get up there, we'll ALL be jealous! But I bet you'll have lots of Raiders visiting when they pass thru! :) :)

Hi Hook'm - I either fillet & skin them & have them crumbed, cooked in olive oil, or I smoke them & make them into potato topped smoked fish pie. Both are Yum!!!

Put your curry recipe onto the recipe spot & I'll give it a go! Always one to try something new ...... after all, I had never caught a blackie 3-4 years ago, so still very 'new' to it myself! :) :) Now, I'm HOOKED!!



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Hi guys

On Friday, Colleen & John went down on their own & landed 3 blackies, borrowing Greendog's net to assist them! Good to see you back on the breakwall, Peter!! As a 'thank you', they donated 2 of their fish to Peter! :)

Yesterday afternoon, I caught up with all 3 again on the breakwall & managed to land one & drop 2. It was harder work, as the water was a lot rougher. Peter left 'just before the fish came on' ....... nah, only kidding, Pete!!! Just as Colleen & john were about to toss it in, Colleen caught a magnificent blackie - in the high 30's!


Miserable day here today - drizzle on & off all day & a bit cold. Even our guests were disappointed with their 2nd day on the water with one of our Dive Boats - Thank God they were ecstatic about yesterday's trip! They even saw some Grey Nurse Sharks! They took some terrific shots of different starfish & general fish. Also saw a big turtle, too!



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Hi guys

On Friday, Colleen & John went down on their own & landed 3 blackies, borrowing Greendog's net to assist them! Good to see you back on the breakwall, Peter!! As a 'thank you', they donated 2 of their fish to Peter! :)

Yesterday afternoon, I caught up with all 3 again on the breakwall & managed to land one & drop 2. It was harder work, as the water was a lot rougher. Peter left 'just before the fish came on' ....... nah, only kidding, Pete!!! Just as Colleen & john were about to toss it in, Colleen caught a magnificent blackie - in the high 30's!


Miserable day here today - drizzle on & off all day & a bit cold. Even our guests were disappointed with their 2nd day on the water with one of our Dive Boats - Thank God they were ecstatic about yesterday's trip! They even saw some Grey Nurse Sharks! They took some terrific shots of different starfish & general fish. Also saw a big turtle, too!




Great work I hope they hang around for another month


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Hi Jase

Yeah - I find it easiest to cut/bleed them that way (holding them firmly with a cloth till the deed is done) as they are so strong & continue 'flexing' so much, I get covered with cuts on my hands from the spine fins if holding them upside down in my hand to cut their throat! I cut right thru to the gut cavity (when you hear a 'phart' noise, you know they are well & truly despatched!) THen, when bled, I just continue the cut down a bit further & then turn the knife to the left & cut out the entire gut cavity to the anal vent, all in one go! If you want to go jewie fishing, put the whole head onto a big hook & toss it out!! Jewies love eating blackies!!!

H'day Ross ..... hang around another month ......the fish or my buddies??? :) Both, I hope!! Normally August is pretty good up here, & September even better, so have high hopes for this month! :) I am guessing the Grogans will be returning to their lair!!!??

Wendy will be joining us this morning for a breakwall fish. First time for her on the Forster Breakwall!! Only really fished the jetties & from the yak so far.



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