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Spring Kings In The Harbour


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Hi All

Woke up this morning with the intention of working from home for the day due the rain..... That was the plan anyway.

What actually happened is I got out of bed and wandered out onto the balcony for a look at the harbour and what i saw was a whole lot of gulls working the water in an overly excited state . This was a good sign and upon closer inspection with the binocs was the sight of those fishy looking slashes that send the heart rate up a notch. Without wasting a second the decision was made....... Work could wait a few hours!

25mins later (having set a new record for the time it takes to get my boat from garage and and down to the ramp!) i'm in the boat and approaching the birds they hadn't moved far and within half an hour of first seeing them i'm dropping the first lure on their heads.

The first retrieve brings back the plastic bitten in half and almost a with a bit of disappointment I realize they’re tailor and begin to tie on a metal lure (Disappointed because I’d been hearing reports of Kings in the area).The change of lure does the trick and moments later I have a nice sized tailor flapping in the tank. The casts that follow however begin to get a little more interesting and when I bring the next hooked fish to the boat the thing goes mental and for good reason too….. The tailor ends up being swallowed by a rampaging king who in turn busts me off and has me reaching for the larger plastics and a 20lb outfit.

With nice looking stick bait tied onto a more realistic combo I casted right into the middle of the birds and ripped the lure back across the surface at a fair pace and sure enough there is an explosion of water behind the lure and the rod loads up nice and tight. After a typically brutal fight I have the fish in the boat. A nice 75 cm kingie!

To cut this story short the next hour or so had me chasing these fish around wherever they popped up I had a ball doing it. Pleasingly all the fish were a good size too most over 70cms



I’d never caught kings on the surface but I’d seen Al Mcglashans Kingfish in the harbour DVD and pretty much copied his methods with good result. I even hooked one on a metal lure using the 6lb outfit but only once after landing this fish they became lure shy and were only interested in the surface plastics.



I got back home mid morning and even managed to get a little work done…… If only every work day started this well.

It'll be Kingfish for the family this Fathers day.


Ps. My Girlfriend rang to tell me she could see me fishing from the window of her office. How’s that for unfair.

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G'day doug, that was a great read, you really had a fun morning, a great bag of kingies, the weather must be a bit better down there in Sydney town, it's bloody horrible up here (Kincumber). Cheers and well done..

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great work out there mate, seems like this year the kings have hung around en mass, alot were caught in winter last year but this year they have fired pretty much right through for those that put in the time and effort.

well done.

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well done on a great session. It does get the heart up a beat when you see fish on the boil and Kings to boot. I am sooooooooo excited because in Nov I'm dragging my boat the 500ks to Sydney to fish 24hrs a day for about a week :1prop: and get me some kings :biggrin2: . I haven't had kings on the boil like that for years.

Well done again.


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