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Tv Ads That You Find Annoying/ads You Like


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I am so sick of stupid, annoying ads on the tv. So I thought we can all have a bit of a vent on here about the ads we hate. And if you have a favourite, list it on here too. I absolutely hate the new RIO ads, the one for AAMI (Mrs Todd), the ad for Coles where they sing about peach, pear and apricots, or whatver it is they sing about :1wallbash: I'm sure there are heaps more I hate, but thats all I can think of at the moment. I like the ad for whiskas where the mouse dances in front of the cat and the new one for Bigpond (the teacher tells the dad what the little boy wrote about Australia Day- its for watching cricket :biggrin2: ). So come on fellow raiders, lets have do some venting :ranting2:

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there is one add probly 15 years old that i hate but still remember like i just herd it

a silly little man yelling were do you get it over and over

i'm not a religest person but i prayed that the fleas off a tousand camals would infest his lower parts

the best add i have ever seen was harris coffee and tea add sailing a tall ship in a storm


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Just up the Windsor Road from Baulkam Hills,

and let me do it right for you!!!!!

Tony Packard Holden.

Who could ever forget this add even after 30 or so years.

And a close second would definately be Joyce Maine Discounts.

The memories of her in the bathtub definately changed my outlook on life.

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I really like the VB ""Orchestra" ad, very good.

And I did like the "Beaver" ad when it was on, very clever.

As a motorcyclist, like the ads for InsureMyRide, with the little animated dude pretending to sip his latte when the voice-over says "scooter-riders" :074:

Really hate those AAMI ads too.

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the best add i have ever seen was harris coffee and tea add sailing a tall ship in a storm

loved that add...good song too!

A recent favourite was a health insurance add featuring a young imaginative boy describing how a "big cwoc" attacked him..ripping off his arm and leg and eating his guts!!

most hated would have to be any of those late night "love match/adult" sms adds,

just ridiculous :thumbdown:

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loved that add...good song too!

A recent favourite was a health insurance add featuring a young imaginative boy describing how a "big cwoc" attacked him..ripping off his arm and leg and eating his guts!!

most hated would have to be any of those late night "love match/adult" sms adds,

just ridiculous :thumbdown:

Yes they suck,I work arvo shift,when I get home they start every add break has some bird that loves me. :1prop:

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I absolutely love the ad for Windex, where the magpie rings the door bell and the other one closes the sliding door, then when the guy walks into to door, they laugh :1yikes:

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Gee Gary - hadn't thought of that one for years! It must have been about 30 years ago!!! More, probably! Great advert.

I like the advert shown during Ifish - very clever! Still like the "Too many Rabbits in China" & the current Cricket one ...... The mouse one is good - 'specially getting bounced off the bin :)

Bad ones - Joyce Maines voice was enough to put anyone off going to the shop! Luckily, the really bad ones, I don't remember too well, other than that they annoy me really badly when I see them!! The eyes roll & I change the channel to avoid watching them ..... This is a good thing, as it shows they are wasting their money!!!!

You guys must get way more interesting adverts that we do here in rural NSW - haven't seen the cwoc advert or the magpie one or the love match ones! must be watching a different channel??


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I forgot about the "Pure Blonde" beer ad - why are the good ads usually beer ads? Thats pretty funny.

My family are from rural NSW - I remember an ad with a cockatoo and a cat for an insurance company - can't remember the company - but I used to love that ad.

That and the "bugger" ads too. :1prop:

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Oh yeah... Mrs Todd is a nightmare in high heels... that ad makes me want to scream at Todd to RUUUUUUUUN!

I love the Bonds ads of course... or at least I did until someone pointed out that most of the girls are probably about 14.

Love the beer ads (Tooheys Extra Dry??) where the guy does a bomb into the spa bath.

Also really love the ads for Evinrude E-Tec... classic.

Cheers, Slinky

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I reckon they should have a separate channel for these bloody TV commercials. They'd still have lunatics sitting down on lounge chairs munching popcorns and potato chips and watching nothing but commercials all day. Even the Simpsons would have no viewers apart from politicians and doctors receptionists who have their heads buried in computers all day long and never look up at the counter when I'm standing there waiting for service and there's no sign of a doctor and no other patients :lol:


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

Edited by jewgaffer
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......I reckon they should have a separate channel for these bloody TV commercials. They'd still have lunatics sitting down on lounge chairs munching popcorns and potato chips and watching nothing but commercials all day. ........

:Funny-Post: Too True, Jewgaffer!!!!

Just remembered another good one - the Yellow pages one where the Vet gets a painter in to paint her house, he knocks off the powerbox & gets the electrician in to fix the power box, he knocks off a hornets nest, they ring a pest controller to kill the hornets nest, which gets stirred up & stings the family dog ...... they ring the vet to attend to the dog & she walks in on the whole fiasco!! Very clever!

Yeah, silverbike - I loved the original bugger adverts, too. The next ones went a bit wacko tho!


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Hi all, probably not the best 1st post but I seen an absolute pearler tonight while watching the footy I thought I should share. It was for bundy rum, granny drops her grandson and 2 mates off at the footy, when they get out of the car 1 of the grandsons mates says thay should order a taxi now for when the footy finishes. The grandson says no need to, gran is coming back, I got her teeth and he holds up a set of false teeth. Absolute pearler I reckon.

Any way, hi to all, great site here, shame my 1st post wasn't a better 1, anyway, good to be a member after reading for so long.

CHEERS!!! :beersmile::beersmile::beersmile:

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I hate the beer ad with the tongue :wacko: The ad with the beaver holding up all the knickers, really bad tasts.

I loved the one ages ago of kids in the playground having morning tea. Girll 1 states how her mum made her cake and girl 2 finishes with 'yeah but my mums got a life'

I also loved the clydesdale ads for carlton beer.

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