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Jervis Bay


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Hey guys,

New to this forum and I'm finding that I can't stop reading... Don't tell the boss!

A mate and I are looking to christen his new Barcrusher with a trip down to Jervis Bay mid October. We have never actually fished Jervis Bay before and we are looking for a few tips on what we might expect and where our best bet for a decent fish might be.

Dreaming of a big king on a livie and from what I hear this is a good bet as long as we are able to hit the right spots... That's where I need a little help.


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Thanks for the warm welcome! Much appreciated!

I'm actually pretty embarrassed to admit that I live all of 2 hours away from Jervis Bay and have never wet a line in it's waters. Normally head further down to kiola.

We are pretty much willing to try anything provided we get something! hahaha

Hoping to target the sportier species like the kings, but beggers can't be choosers... Pretty comfortable heading outside. We quite often hit the FAD's up around Botany Bay and Port Kembla and we are pretty comfortable getting out amongst it.

Any help, and I mean any help will be great!

Thanks heaps! :thumbup:

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I was doing a bit of reading and thought that "the banks" sounded like a nice option. But I must say I do like the sound of "monster kings" and drum and drum sticks. Might mean we have to spend a couple of days out there to make sure we cover all avenues! :1naughty:

Thanks heaps for your help!

If we bring in some nice fish I definitely owe you a beverage or two! :beersmile:

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