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Fishing Yarns


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G'Day all

I've started to organise my gear for the Cod Classic. While sorting through some old cod lures, I recalled some of the fond memories I had as a young boy fishing the Murray River. I spent a lot of time fishing with blokes that were 50+ years my senior who obviously relished the opportunity to 'mould' my young mind. By far, my favourite yarn was the following:

Old mate: "Did I ever tell you about the biggest cod ever seen in the Murray, young fella?"

8 year old Hodgey (with a suitable amount of awe):"No..."

OM: "Well, I was fishing with a butter-colored bardi, and, wouldn't you know it ... a 4lb redfin scoffed it!"

H: "Wow! 4lb! Cooool! But what about the cod?"

OM:"I'm getting to that. So, I'm reeling in this reddie, when all of a sudden 'whack', a 10lb yella eats him!"

H: "Whoa! 10lb?! What a biggun! Then what happened?"

OM: "I'm glad you're sitting down on that log, 'cos the next bit is amazing! I get the yella almost to the bank, when suddenly 'slurp' he gets eaten by the biggest cod in the River! This thing was so big, it had gravel rash on its belly and sunburn on its back!"

H (now sufering a rollercoaster of emotions including excitement, fear, awe and anticipation): "That would be bigger than me! How did you land it without breaking your rod?"

OM: "That's the really sad bit, young fella. The reddie I caught first? He let go ... and I lost the lot!"

Quite a yarn for a little bloke. 34 years later and I can recall the smell of the fire and the splinters in the backside. I reckon other people have been told this yarn, but with suitable changes in the fish to suit the moment. Does anyone else have a favourite yarn they would like to share with us here?!



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I hate people like that - only because they hook me every time!

Even when I was about 18 this fellow I worked with told me he had a fish whistle. Fair enough I thought - even went fishing in the Hawksbury with him and lo and behold out comes the whistle. Bugger blows, but no sound - this is a bit fishy I thought - he then convinced me that it was a high pitch whistle and whereas I couldn't hear it, the fish could. I was satisfied.

Can't believe I just regaled how bloody gullible I was then.

These old fishing Gurus definately know how to tell a yarn and also when they've "hooked" a liveey!

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My grandfather spent weeks teaching me as a 6 year old how to bait a hook behind my back before taking me to his secret fishing place . :fisher: His reason was " the fishing is so hot that the fish will jump out of the water and bite you on the hand if they see the bait - so you have to hide while you bait up the hook"

He also attempted to teach me how to roll a cigarette one handed (so you didn't have to put your beer down) until my grandmother caught him and clipped him across the ears :mattarello: for corrupting his grandson

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Old mate: "Did I ever tell you about the biggest cod ever seen in the Murray, young fella?"

OM: "I'm glad you're sitting down on that log, 'cos the next bit is amazing! I get the yella almost to the bank, when suddenly 'slurp' he gets eaten by the biggest cod in the River! This thing was so big, it had gravel rash on its belly and sunburn on its back!"



Believe it or not, in those days Murray cod were so big that when you caught one it was often used as a retreiver mate to get the boat out of the mud and up onto the cowtrack.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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