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Happy Birthday Slinky Malinky


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Happy Birthday Slinky. :1happybday: To one of nature's true gentlemen. :beersmile: You've been a good mate to everyone on Fishraider Tony and I for one appreciate your fishing know how and look forward to another jew session before you move to the Gold Coast.

Three cheers mate :thumbup:

jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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I'll bet you enjoyed that big steak dinner tonight ay Slinky!! :thumbup::1wine:

Ray, nice photo old mate. When I was your age we weren't allowed to wear our good sandals when we were out mucking around and all the kids went around barefoot until the latest in designer footwear, known as a pair of thongs took the fashion world by storm in 1956.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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