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Nice Flattie On Sp


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Hi guys

I was on the water at 6.30am this morning, to take advantage of the last of the high tide. I'd fished there yesterday with Wendy & had caught about 10 flatties all up, all released, & spooked some really big ones! Back today for more ..... :1prop:

Once again, I spooked a couple of real monsters! Flicking my lures all over the place & finally got some hits between the floating racks. I was going up one then down the next. I had hooked & released about 5 when One smaller (legal) flattie chased my lure & sat right next to it, eye balling it! I jerked it again & it followed, this time getting ahead of it & facing towards it! Next jerk, no reaction. I did this for 3 different casts & each time, the flattie stalked my Squidgy but wouldn't take it. Finally I jerked it once too often & it took off in a puff of mud!

At one point, I spooked about 3 in close proximity & thought it looked a likely spot for some more, so pulled over & tossed my 100mm Squidgy Fish between the racks! (still my favourite flattie lure!)

A steady pull & I knew I was onto a good one! She took me round a pole, so I had to up-anchor & head towards her, to give her some slack in the hope she would come out of the cover! Luckily, she did. Left & right we went, trying to keep her away from the poles & oyster covered racks. I had the drag up pretty tight, but she was taking line! A flattie of equal or bigger size swam with her! :1yikes: God I was pleased I had upgraded from the 4lb Vanish of yesterday (was busted off by a beauty) to the 14lb vanish of this morning!! Still using the 6lb Crystal Fireline tho! :biggrin2: My first guestimate was 80cm, but no - in between 65 & 70cm.

It took a few minutes to subdue her to the net & then I thought - I don't want to put this across my knee in the yak to measure!! I was always going to put her back & was too far from shore to be bothered paddling back there for a better set of photos, so just laid her out on the oyster rack & tried to get as good a shot as I could!


She was a big Momma - my ruler was only 60cm & she would have gone about 65-70cm as the last section of her tail was well & truly hanging over the end of the ruler!


Took these ones just prior to releasing her back to the racks!


She was a very chunky flattie

I could have lost her at any time - the hook was well & truly straightened!


Kept these 2 for dinner!


I am meeting up with Stephen (we yakked together in the Forster Fishing Carnival) tomorrow morning at 7.30 & hope to get him onto a few, too! :):yahoo::thumbup:

Cheerio for now


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Hi Peter

The flattie season is well & truly 'on' now! Water was 24-26 degrees today. I must have caught 10 keepers all up, but only kept the 2.

I tried a couple of the smaller ones a few weeks ago, but no hits - will take them down to Durras with me - heading off Monday week & will be away for about 10 days. I hope to do the lake & possibly offshore as well ..... I normally provide my own burley! :(



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Hi Roberta, firstly thanks for the info about FR gone missing, glad to have it back now, okay so on to you , Mrs Flattie, that sounds like a great couple of days fishing, glad you went to the heavier leader, I use 8 and 14lb Vanish as well , the lighter stuff busts to easily with flatties and you end up having flatties with jigheads hanging out of there mouths, love the shots of the biggin' I went out today and got a couple of 50cm models as well, was hard work as we had some very strong norwesters today. See Ya..

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That's a gem, Roberta :yahoo:

It really is amazing the amount of BIG flatties you spook in the shallows. The fish was in terrific condition, which shows up nicely in your photos. Keep up the great work, and I'll see you VERY shortly. (will have the 'cordial' suitably chilled) :biggrin2:



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Firstly Roberta, "nice" is hardly the correct adjective to use to describe that flarttie. Try "bloody big" or "flammin' huge".

Secondly, stay away from that Hodgey bloke. He's already caught enough big flatties! Don't tell him anything! (And Hodgey, if you read this, don't you tell Roberta anything about catching big flathead)

If you two get together, the rest of us (i.e. lazy flathead fishermen like me) will not stand a chance.

Anyway Roberta, as I wipe the tears of jealousy from my keyboard ... I'll just say well done (again) and in future, please stick to the blackies.



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Hey Roberta,

After getting over my initial shock at the strange shape the Blackies seem to have adopted up your way I really enjoyed your post (as always). I can only imagine the combination of exhilaration and fear that must come with landing a flapping, spiky, angry Momma Lizard out of a small plastic tube with your butt on the water.


That clear water and the weedy sand looks awesome. The sort of place where every cast has your heart in your mouth.

I hope the flattie fillets are as delicious as your day on the water :drool:

Cheers, Slinky

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Hi guys

I was up again & out there this morning at 7am with my buddy Steve ..... I dropped a few, put a few back & caught & kept 3 to 50cm (gave one to Steve, as his parents are up as well as his family of 4 needing a feed.) The other 2 I will fillet & freeze to take south with me next week! No Big Mommas this time, tho - just a lot of fun. Steve kept 4 to 45cm & also caught his on a squidgy fish Silver Fox, but smaller model than mine.

First keeper flattie landed 50cm


Oyster worker with a sense of humour - usually they are just twisted into a 'v'!!

Steve & family, dealing with the catch, with some interested bystanders!

Lesson learnt today ...... don't ever wrap 'loose sps & lures' in your fishing rag! When I caught the first fish, I grabbed the rag & broadcast all the lures all over the yak & water! :mad3:

The wind came up after 11am & made it a bit tricky - we had decided to paddle back to the Marina from the leases at Tuncurry & when we turned the corner into the wind, knew it would be a hard slog!! Small waves were lapping over the front of my yak & I was constantly sprayed with water! Where the 2 waters merged, it was quite rough & we seemed to be 'going nowhere fast' for a while! As we approached the bridge ( we were heading towards the marina) we realised we were getting washed into the centre of the lake instead of towards the Forster breakwall & marina. I figured, once I was the other side of the bridge, the current would lessen & I'd have a better chance of making it to the side ...... & I was right! Steve continued 'fighting the current' & almost ended up on the Tuncurry side! It was a tough slog for him. Finally we both made it to the FOrster side ...... but must admit, if I had been on my own, I would have beached myself some time back & called on Keith to pick me up!!! When I stood up after getting out of the yak, it must have looked like I was drunk or something!! I'd lost my balance bigtime!

hehehe - thanks for the replies, guys - it really was fun & a long time since I had targetted the flatties. I was back in the area that I first 'honed my sp skill' some 4-5 years ago & the lure of choice then (as now) is the 100mm Squidgy Fish (Silver Fox & also what was then Garry Glitter ..... I think they changed the name so there was no association with the ex singer, now jail bird!)

Hi Esky ....What happened to the Blackie sessions? ...... I thought I'd give them a bit of a break! :) The flatties should be well & truly on the chew by Nov!

Hi estuary prowler - re an environet ..... I have one, but would never use it in the yak - too much chance of being overturned! :1yikes: Good as they are in boats, they are dangerous in yaks as the water doesn't flow out of them quickly enough & creates too much drag. If you get hit with a wave or lean over too far, you can flip!!! :ranting2:

Hodgey - I leave next Monday & should be down your way on the Tues! Will give you a yahoo! :yahoo::thumbup: Looking forward to hitting the water down there & try & catch some of your crocs!! Look forward to meeting up.

Hi PeterS .... Try "bloody big" or "flammin' huge"...... you should have seen me when I finally got it into the net!! I was stoked!! It is a while since my last ''big flattie!" My mate Steve rang just as I netted it & I told him about it ....... today, I caught up with 2 young blokes I'd spoken to before the big catch & they said .....

"heard you got a big flattie!" I said "HOW?" THey said "The whole lake heard about it when you were on the phone telling your buddy! :biggrin2: " I forgot how easily voices carry on water!

G'day Nick - you'll have fun when you are here! Just stick close to (or between) the racks & the fish will be there!! You may lose a bit of tackle, but you'll get the fish!

Hey Slinky - ...exhilaration and fear.... You are Dead Right there!!! I sure wasn't going to put it in my lap to get a better measurement!! She was in superb condition, so deserved to swim free.

Cheerio for now


I may have a bit of a rest tomorrow!!~

Edited by Roberta
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