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Narra Lake


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caught 8 fish today 4 in the normal spot and 4 out near the bouy gave 4 to holiday makers from the caravan park and 4 to an old asian man that has been trying to catch a fish for a long time [he was using a bobby cork big enough to hold a live bait from] he had the right weed but also a 20lb trace so i showed him how to set everything up and what float to use next time he was very happy so was i

peter :1fishing1:

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Well done Peter - you are a gentleman & a scholar! They would have been very happy campers!!

I dropped a beautie yesterday lunchtime & got 3 the day before, which i gave to Wendy for her folks, fishing the top of the tide here (usually less productive on the breakwall.) Lots of wind & big seas today. :(

you'll have some competition now that your buddy will be using lighter gear! :1yikes:



Tried a couple more of your lures out on the weekend & Monday on the flatties, but the continual floating weed is a real pain in Wallis Lake ..... you are always pulling them in to pull the weed off! :ranting2: Apparantly we have the biggest weed beds in the southern hemisphere right here in Forster!! :1yikes: I can't wait to try them down south! :) :)

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