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Beautiful Day On Bate Bay For A Few Flatties


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Last minute trip out to Bate Bay for a couple of drifts. Really just wanted to give the motor a run. The fishing was pretty patchy all over the bay - plenty of small flathead, one yakka, slimy, toad, baby snapper and a couple of chopper tailor.


Pick-A-Box Syd found a new friend, a little fairy penguin. He stayed around the boat for about 20 minutes. Every time Syd whistled at it, the penguin squawked back. It was great to see the meeting of two great minds! :074:


For me it was a beautiful way to spend a couple of hours, even if Syd out-fished me 4-1. It was great to take it easy and just sit back in the sun and let the fish catch themselves.

We ended up with only five keepers, the biggest only 44cm, but it’s a feed and who can complain about that.


And, as you can see, ... they were ... laughing!



Edited by peterS
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Onya Peter, looks like a nice feed of flatties for you, my flatties caught at Patonga yesterday were all scoffed down for dinner.. The laughing flatties.. :074::074: .. Cheers Mate..

Edited by Ray R
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Thanks for the comments loxo, jewgaffer, Ben75, Ray R and cut_loose.

As for you Roberta, I notice you've been smashing the flatties (again!!!). I warned you about that. Please stick to the blackies! And I've already warned you about Hodgey - when you see him, there is to be NO sharing of tips for catching flatties! I hope you're listening too Hodgey. :074:

nice flatties mate, bate bay is always good for them !!

im about to head off for a night fish in 30 mins

How did you go cut_loose? Any luck?



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