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Water Police


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Nah they just pull up alongside, and you pull out your jacket , bucket etc and show them or point if they are on display. Then the rego sticker , then your fish lic and then boat lic if they are being painful of don't take your word for it since they can pull it on their laptop in any case.

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Thanks. So I know what should I expect. The rego sticker on my boat is neaer the rego number on the side... they will need to lean overboard to read it :D

Nah they just pull up alongside, and you pull out your jacket , bucket etc and show them or point if they are on display. Then the rego sticker , then your fish lic and then boat lic if they are being painful of don't take your word for it since they can pull it on their laptop in any case.

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I'd like to know why the hell we are required to have a torch on board in the waterways of Sydney Harbor during the daytime, I only ask because today my mate got checked and they gave him a warning for not having all the safety equipment cause he was short a torch.

As far as I can tell by the maritime safety equipment tables you aren't even required to carry a torch on enclosed waters during the daytime, the harbor certainly isn't open water.

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Is open waters the same as the "hire boat limit" near the heads or is it the lin between the heads ?

Mate should have just lit up the screen on his mobile - lot more light than half the cheap crappy torches. I agree one is not required between sunrise and sunset. Just be aware that sunrise and sunset is an official time and not when there is twilight like a lot of people think. Can be up to half an hour difference. It shits me when people suggest things are the law etc etc it's just a power thing sometimes and again goes down as to how professional the person and their training is. Would have been a lot more correct ad less confrontational if they just said "its not required during daylight but a torch is a great idea in case you get caught out later than you thing and a great signaling device" I also question the "if it ïs it is on the boat it must work "that I have heard of a couple of people experience. If it isn't part of the safety gear they need to inspect for the period they are on the water it shouldn't matter if you have a nav light with a stuffed bulb. Fine to check and notify but to issue warnings or threaten fines is well........

Safety gear tables link


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Is open waters the same as the "hire boat limit" near the heads or is it the lin between the heads?

I'd consider anything past the line between north and south head as open water but I think the hire boat limit is the border of enclosed and open water in the harbor because you're not allowed to cross the heads and this is why balmoral, manly and middle harbor are out of bounds but that being said my mate was anchored at the wedding cake.

Fine to check and notify but to issue warnings or threaten fines is well........

Yeah my mate thought it was a bit uncalled for but I guess the officer was annoyed that my mate questioned it in a manner that said he knew the safety requirements and that the officer was wrong.

Maybe the officer was just a tad overzealous.

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It is worth your mate calling up the office and explaining the conduct of the officer to them as it may make the coyboy settle down and read his rules. They really don't want their staff stiring up the public. If the guy was objectionable I would put it in writing so it requires a response and it might save us all from the same hassle

We actually keep a copy of the boating handbook in the cabin so we can refer to it whn checking our gear and for those odd markers or lights that no one can remember - We force the kids to look up anty marker they don't know what it is for - they probably know them better than me.

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At the time he might have contacted them but he wouldn't bother doing that now as he was laughing about it by the time he rang me to tell me how the fishing went.

On a side note he came home 2 kings both over 80cm, lucky bastard cause knowing my luck when I go out tomorrow I'll catch bloody nothing.

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I'd purposely not take one just to argue with a waterways officer, probably not but I definitely won't take one as I never have and I'm not about to start.

If I get checked we'll see what they say about my collapsible live bait bucket being used to meet the gear requirements though.

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I've refused to let the police to check my catch before on the basis that it's not their job to monitor catches and they went on their way.

I'd rather have the proper authorities check my catches as I'd feel much safer in the hands of someone whose job it is to do these things.

No they can't, they have limited power and they exceed it because the public is ignorant and the more people who inform themselves and stand up to them the better.


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Take 5...........

The Police are a dedicated unit, on duty 24/7.

What would the waterways, roads, etc be like without them?

For the sake of 5 bucks - why wouldn't you have a torch in your bag? These guys are speaking from experience, they don't let any old jack become a member of the Water police.

Imagine this, total darkness, zero visibility, but yes you have to dive to search for a body, evidence or the like and feel your way. :1yikes: WTF???

Do you really think these guys get a kick by allegedly "harassing" inocent fisherpersons?

I'm certain that they would be much happier applying the skills and character that they have developed to become law enforcers, rather than pissing around checking the legality of ameteur fisherpeople.

Believe it or not, we must have condoms in our first aid kit here or marine will put a detention order on the vessel. This is then copied to the Police.

Conform - or stay at home, go play golf - what's the big deal.

Personally, I get a real kick being inspected and knowing that I have all and sundry fully covered in my safety equipment requirements.

Police, MSB, Waterways - they are all human beings, and from all my good experiences with them, there generally a great bunch of guys and girls just doing the job that you are paying them to do.

Chill out, if you abide by the rules, then you will have an enjoyable day on the water - don't - then you will find your own answer.

That's my 2 bobs worth and a few more!! :tease:


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