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Afternoon Fish


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Hi Raiders,

Sorry i haven't posted here in a while i have been working up the Northern Territory and got back the other day. I have a few days free before i start my new job so i had the opportunity to go for a quick session down my local bass spots this afternoon.

Just tied my 6lb fluro leader onto my 6lb braid first cast with my Buggi Pop and it wasn't even in the water 5 seconds before an explosion erupted in front of me. From what i saw happened two big bass actually went to munch my lure at once! Then a short pause and the other one made a quick gap and nailed it BOOM! the drag starts peeling and as i fought the fish for a good couple of minutes watching it dart in and out of the banks and rocks with the other fish shadowing its every move until i landed it.

Here's a couple of photos (excuse the mobile phone quality) and just like to say its glad to be back and i hope there's plenty more photos and stories to come.

All the best Cam



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Good stuff Cam the bass are gunna be on fire this season

and hopefully we can squeeze a session reel soon pal,my plans

were cancelled this week at Lake St Clair due to the grand final

Skeeter Bass finals :mad3: i would of got swamped just for a social

fish for my wife and i to those die hard competitors :05: ,

But november sounds even better we'll have to go then :thumbup:


Rizzo :biggrin2:

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