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New Bub For Kiwi Waynie

kiwi waynie

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Bit slow gettin this post up, things have been pretty hectic since our new arrival with me straight back into work and workin on my wifes business. Day, night, all weekend even had to miss Bathurst (spewin!).

But here she is. Born at 4:02am 08/10/08 weighing 3.325kg or 7 pound n 5 and 50cm long. We have named her Holly.

I tell ya feels very diferent to when my boys were born. To now have a daughter and this being our last child (back seats full, taragos dont tow that well) and to see my wife doing the mum n daughter thing.

Bloody special i tell ya.




What is wealth is it realy money and material things, i think not.

Lata Raidas


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Congratulations to you and your wife on the arrival of the beautiful little Holly, Waynie. :yahoo:

I understand your comments about the arrival of the first 'princess' into your home ;)




All of lifes enjoyment, and misery, (leaves home) is in front of you.

Congratulations and enjoy.

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