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Botany Bay


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Hi Guys,

Just a quick report on my first fishing trip using softplastics...No bait!!!! This was our first time ever using softplastics

Got the boat ramp at 6:00am and out to Towra point for a drift. Other than what tackle store owners have been telling us and some of the dvd's we have been watching, we had very little idea on what we were doing!!!!

On our first drift my fishing buddy was on to a nice flathead to 42cm. We both started to jump around like idiots shouting and hi fiving eachother. I think we spooked all the fish away as we did not get another strike.

Next we tried kurnell near the groynes and found ourselves a school of trevally and it was on with double hook ups on legal trevally. Then we crossed the bay for a bit of action around La perouse with trevally, bream and a few undersized snapper undersized.

Species caught

Bream - 2

Trevally - 16

Flathead -1

Snapper -4

It was one of the best days fishing. I have now been convertd to soft plastics. Next species I want to target is Jewies








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Hey guys!

Great report and photos.

I've only tried SPs a few times and have also been astounded at the success. As long as there are no tailor around because then the tails just get bitten off. And it's so much more fun than just sitting and waiting with a normal bait.

Went drifting for flathead the other week and one of our rigs had 3 hooks; 1 with prawn, one with pilchard and one with an SP. Guess which "bait" got the best fish? I guess it wriggled and looked a lot more alive than the dead prawn or half pilchard.


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Champion result for a first attempt on SP's. :thumbup:

Those Trevors would have been fun on that gear. :biggrin2:

What main line were you using? :1fishing1:

Well done, great result all round.



Edited by Mariner 31
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We were using 4lb and 6lb fireline with 10lb fluoro trace. The sp we were using was the gulp 3" minnnow in mouldy cheese and peppered prawn.

I don't know the exact name for the retrieve but we'd cast out, let it sink and then jig it back 2-3 times and wind.

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Well done fellas, looks like a good sesh in the bay :thumbup:


Well done on the soft plastics Savage73 :thumbup:

John I'll bet it won't be too long before you'll be able to buy a tub of servo sps in the peeled prawn profile. :1yikes::biggrin2:


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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