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Bottom Bash With Cheese


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Back in my youth, i'd be dragged down the the sailing club to watch my older brothers go sailing, good thing for me is that i could go for a fish off the wharf.

Back then, my father would cut me off a hunk of Craft Chedder Cheese and that was the bait, and it really worked well, heaps of bream, and leather jackets and other odds and ends.

My question is, has anyone else tried cheese, as i havent since i was a lad ?

My father said, its works because if the bait is small and round enough, the cheese represents roe.

Any thoughts ???


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Yes it works very well. Just mould it into a teardrop shape around the hook. It stays on and casts well too, due to the weight. I fish it with no lead, for bream mainly, and have caught my biggest bream to date on a lump of cheddar cheese.

The slices are not as good as the block. They seem to be more 'plastic' in consistency and do not mould as well. Give it a go.

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my pops used what he called pudding

the cheese had to be moldy and he would use bread the smelly cheese and cotton wool and make a ball like doe all mixed by hand like making bread

he would do this just before he started fishing to get the smell off his hands

the cotton wood was to keep the bait on the hook longer

this was his red hot bream bait i've never tryed it but might give it a go


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Used to use it as a kid also. Kraft Cheddar was the go, No such thing as sliced cheese then.

Also used dough (Flour & water) and bread. The dough had to be pretty firm and had to be replaced quite frequently as it tended to absorb the salt water.

Was great for garfish, mullet and bream.



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I have caught bream on it and i have heard if you use the kraft cheedar in the blue box ( it keeps on the supermarket shelf not in the fridge and it is extremely more soft and workable) and mix it 50/50 with devon off the roll, in a blender, or just mix it really well, its dynamite on bream. It ends up making like a dough, I imagine mullet would bite on it too.


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