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Day 2 On The Stones + I Need Help Please!


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Hi Gang,

Went back to the Ovens today with Luderick 59 in tow. This was where he has caught many of his PB fish, including a 21lb Pig!!!.

Conditions were really good...or so I thought.

Armed with Cunje, bread and cabbage we tried and tried, but all I could produce was a couple of good hits, and one lost Pig ( didn't get to see it but it was a rod bender).

It seemed as though today was the Annual Sweep Convention there...lol.

Pete managed a nice Sweep...lol but nothing else, he even managed to catch a juicy big red crab- but no Grouper unfortunately.

As is always the case when Pete and I fish- soon after he left I landed a nice Silver Trevally. But that was it!.

I was hoping that someone could maybe point me in the right direction to help the Sealion that I saw yesterday. It is still there, and hasn't moved at all. It has a wound on it's front flipper that looks infected, but otherwise I couldn't see anything else, but it was fairly aggro when I go too close. Is there someone like an animal rescue or similar, that can go and help it, or take it and nurse it until it heals. I would appreciate it if anyone would know who to call etc. I took my good camera today, so snapped a few for everyone.

I'm going back there again tomorrow if it is nice, maybe take some lures for LBG.


Matt ( and Pete) :)





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Hi Matt ,

Im sure that sea lion will be fine , there tough buggers . . Now with the rough seas last week im sure he would have had a lot of trouble getting on the rocks where he is...so the sealion is just resting up . Now if your fishing there tommorow im sure he would love a great feed of fish . . . And your generosity will be rewarded..

Cheers John.... :1fishing1:

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hi matt

i fish for pigs not far from the ovens and it seems like sweeps have called all the good ledges home. couple of years ago the ledge i fish was free of them but this year is the worst. cant get the bait to the bottom. i found that warmer water is worst and cold water of winter is better with less sweeps around.

btw were u fishing inner or outer ovens. needs a bit of a climb for the outer one right? keep trying, some nice pigs around

tight line


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hi matt

i fish for pigs not far from the ovens and it seems like sweeps have called all the good ledges home. couple of years ago the ledge i fish was free of them but this year is the worst. cant get the bait to the bottom. i found that warmer water is worst and cold water of winter is better with less sweeps around.

btw were u fishing inner or outer ovens. needs a bit of a climb for the outer one right? keep trying, some nice pigs around

tight line


The ovens can be a great place for pelagics when the currents bring in the bait schools . B & B fishing might be better in other spots with better holding country , try on the northern point of whale beach . There is some great spots that have yielded better results then the ovens for me.

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G'day gang

Mate there's aheap of places around up your way.Try in the southern corner of Parlm Beach Usualy fires best during or after a big southly. Give it a go :thumbup:

And bit of addvice on the seal NEAVER get between them and the water.They might look ungamely on land but can be very fast over a short disstance :1yikes:

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