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Yak Attack At Long Reef


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headed out to long reef to find some kings on saturday with a mate missy and his dad.

we got smahed by kings everywhere but no legal size all around 60cm and we also noticed 5 guys on yaks having fun when all of a sudden 1 of the guys rolled off his yak and looked to be in a little distress, and we then heard another guy in a boat who was fishing about 20mts away start yelling . he waved his arms and continued to yell for me to come over for some reason. we came over and then we saw what he was yelling about yep a great white shark about 4.5mtrs long and he was not happy because he was the reason this guy was in the water, he nudged him off his yak and was coming around for the kill. when we arrived he got the guy who was in the water onto his boat which left 4 more yaks still paddling. i left and picked up 1 who was about 50mtrs away and then returned to find the other boat had got 1 more guy in his boat but had the other 2 remaining still in the water huddled close to another boat. then the 2 remaing guys left the boat together and started peddling away after being told by a guy in another boat if you stay close to each other it should be ok. then all hell broke loose as our friend started to round them up. the guy in the boat who told them to go then had to reverse back as i went forward to try and hit the shark and we think he did because he rolled over on his back and all i saw was his white belly. we got the other 2 guys in my boat and then watched as our friend swam down deep. we manage to get all yaks tied and delivered the guys back to long reef behind the other boat and then found out his mate on board video the whole thing. what a day to remember. as the guys left they vowed never to return again and i said if i see you guys out hear again i'll kill you first as a joke but between me and you i have never seen 5 guys so shit scared in my life. i hope they continue to fish in narrabeen lakes and not outside again. if you want to get there side of this story i know they were members of a yak club which won i don't know. maybe roberta might be able to find out about the yak club.

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Wow..thats an amazing story , brings back memories of Jaws the movie..more detailed account than that of the media. You and the other boat should be please with yourself to help out the yakkas. Good on you and I heard one guy dicthed his anchor to rescue them.

headed out to long reef to find some kings on saturday with a mate missy and his dad.

we got smahed by kings everywhere but no legal size all around 60cm and we also noticed 5 guys on yaks having fun when all of a sudden 1 of the guys rolled off his yak and looked to be in a little distress, and we then heard another guy in a boat who was fishing about 20mts away start yelling . he waved his arms and continued to yell for me to come over for some reason. we came over and then we saw what he was yelling about yep a great white shark about 4.5mtrs long and he was not happy because he was the reason this guy was in the water, he nudged him off his yak and was coming around for the kill. when we arrived he got the guy who was in the water onto his boat which left 4 more yaks still paddling. i left and picked up 1 who was about 50mtrs away and then returned to find the other boat had got 1 more guy in his boat but had the other 2 remaining still in the water huddled close to another boat. then the 2 remaing guys left the boat together and started peddling away after being told by a guy in another boat if you stay close to each other it should be ok. then all hell broke loose as our friend started to round them up. the guy in the boat who told them to go then had to reverse back as i went forward to try and hit the shark and we think he did because he rolled over on his back and all i saw was his white belly. we got the other 2 guys in my boat and then watched as our friend swam down deep. we manage to get all yaks tied and delivered the guys back to long reef behind the other boat and then found out his mate on board video the whole thing. what a day to remember. as the guys left they vowed never to return again and i said if i see you guys out hear again i'll kill you first as a joke but between me and you i have never seen 5 guys so shit scared in my life. i hope they continue to fish in narrabeen lakes and not outside again. if you want to get there side of this story i know they were members of a yak club which won i don't know. maybe roberta might be able to find out about the yak club.

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Gday walrus

Big Thanks Mate . I am a YakFisho and have Mates who fish longy I have a few times . Big Thanks again for helping the guys :thumbup:

Cheers Ben

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Gday walrus

Big Thanks Mate . I am a YakFisho and have Mates who fish longy I have a few times . Big Thanks again for helping the guys :thumbup:

Cheers Ben

People who go to sea in these sort of unseaworthy craft need to visit a shrink. That's my opinion and I sticking to it They simply have not seen the massive storm fronts and 100 knot gales that I have endured over my 50 years of offshore fishing, just plain stupid. Save up and buy a decent boat or come out with me, it may just save your lives.


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thanks ben but believe me it not worth your life for a kingy

Gday Walrus

I Never said it was worth my life for a kingie. Just thanking you for helping out some yakfisho's

Cheers Ben

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headed out to long reef to find some kings on saturday with a mate missy and his dad.

we got smahed by kings everywhere but no legal size all around 60cm and we also noticed 5 guys on yaks having fun when all of a sudden 1 of the guys rolled off his yak and looked to be in a little distress, and we then heard another guy in a boat who was fishing about 20mts away start yelling . he waved his arms and continued to yell for me to come over for some reason. we came over and then we saw what he was yelling about yep a great white shark about 4.5mtrs long and he was not happy because he was the reason this guy was in the water, he nudged him off his yak and was coming around for the kill. when we arrived he got the guy who was in the water onto his boat which left 4 more yaks still paddling. i left and picked up 1 who was about 50mtrs away and then returned to find the other boat had got 1 more guy in his boat but had the other 2 remaining still in the water huddled close to another boat. then the 2 remaing guys left the boat together and started peddling away after being told by a guy in another boat if you stay close to each other it should be ok. then all hell broke loose as our friend started to round them up. the guy in the boat who told them to go then had to reverse back as i went forward to try and hit the shark and we think he did because he rolled over on his back and all i saw was his white belly. we got the other 2 guys in my boat and then watched as our friend swam down deep. we manage to get all yaks tied and delivered the guys back to long reef behind the other boat and then found out his mate on board video the whole thing. what a day to remember. as the guys left they vowed never to return again and i said if i see you guys out hear again i'll kill you first as a joke but between me and you i have never seen 5 guys so shit scared in my life. i hope they continue to fish in narrabeen lakes and not outside again. if you want to get there side of this story i know they were members of a yak club which won i don't know. maybe roberta might be able to find out about the yak club.

And the do gooders want to make the waters off Sydney a marine park

I think if we are getting this sort of action less than a K off the coast it shows our system is finaly repairing itself after nearly 200 years of pumping polution (sh*t) on our door step,

All we realy need to do is ban the pro's or at least make a no fish Zone for the Pro's to give the fish stock a chance to recover, Look at the harbour it has never fished better since the pro's have been stoped. and that has only taken a few of years.

If the do gooders get there way and get a marine park it will be a food fest for the Sharks particually in the summer, You can only guess on how many people are in the water between Cronulla & the central coast every day it will be like ringing the dinner bell.

i must admit it is good that we are getting these reports It meens our system is getting healthier 20 years ago you only got a beach polution report which said what beachers were safe to swim at.


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i'd love to see this video. 4.5m white shark in northern beach? is it even possible~!!!!!!! i have never heard of white sharkes in sydney.

PS do they ever attack a 3-4metre boat? if so I will never go on a small boat again :) never!

PPS Walrus welldone mate. You're a hero.

And the do gooders want to make the waters off Sydney a marine park

I think if we are getting this sort of action less than a K off the coast it shows our system is finaly repairing itself after nearly 200 years of pumping polution (sh*t) on our door step,

All we realy need to do is ban the pro's or at least make a no fish Zone for the Pro's to give the fish stock a chance to recover, Look at the harbour it has never fished better since the pro's have been stoped. and that has only taken a few of years.

If the do gooders get there way and get a marine park it will be a food fest for the Sharks particually in the summer, You can only guess on how many people are in the water between Cronulla & the central coast every day it will be like ringing the dinner bell.

i must admit it is good that we are getting these reports It meens our system is getting healthier 20 years ago you only got a beach polution report which said what beachers were safe to swim at.


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i'd love to see this video. 4.5m white shark in northern beach? is it even possible~!!!!!!! i have never heard of white sharkes in sydney.

PS do they ever attack a 3-4metre boat? if so I will never go on a small boat again :) never!

PPS Walrus welldone mate. You're a hero.

Here's the Video of the attack posted on the UK Sun website.

And the Channel 7 Video. (Look in video archive called "Shark Spotting")



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Hi Walrus

Your assistance to the yakkers on Sat was hugely appreciated, especially by Karnage, I bet. :thumbup: Hope you never have to do it again!! :( Most, if not all, of the guys are in my 'yak club' & I have often read of their epic tales of kingies off Longy - not that I have been tempted to go out myself! :wacko: My brother & fellow Fishraider, Sails, also goes out in his yak & fishes Longy too, tho, who knows, he may be reassessing his options from now on!

Most responsible yakkers who fish offshore, don't go out alone & have all the safety gear & I bet a few of them may now be investing in a Shark Shield, too. A lot of them probably won't be going out at dawn & dusk, especially when there is a heavy fog! But that could be seen as common sense too, given the baitfish activity just now. The sharks are there for the same reason the yakkers & other fishos in tinnies are there - for the fish.

Most yak fishos don't go out that far as they get the fish around the headlands & off bommies and religiously check the weather websites before going out, & make responsible decisions when they see inclement weather approaching or rough sea conditions as they occur. There will always be a few who go out further than others & like the guy who was killed swimming in WA, they have to accept the ramifications of their actions should anything unfortunate happens.

For the record, I have seen a large school of hammerhead sharks enter Wallis Lake 'en masse' and personally witnessed people swimming in a spot along Little St (middle of town, in the Breck Channel) where a 3m+ hammerhead swam past just minutes after they got out of the water. The waters were cleared by police a year or so back during the Xmas hols due to the large number of sharks in the lake around the bridge (one of the most popular swimming & fishing areas.) Pro fishos regularly catch big bull sharks in our lake .... but it won't stop me from going out in my yak!

Steve - top fish!! Glad all ended up OK on the day! Take a couple of lottery tickets! Good luck for future outings :1prop:



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Hi guys

First of all, as a person that fishes from a kayak I would like to give a big thanks to the boaties that helped the kayakers get away from the great white. Well done fellas, its much appreciated.

Ross, without knowing you I think your comments are very well intentioned, and certainly understandable. However, even though kayakers look very vulnerable out there, it is not as bad as it looks.

* we don't run out of fuel or break down

* if we capsize we simply flip the yak and climb back on board

* if we are swamped by a wave it simply drains back out

* if my hull punctures I will still float (thanks to pool noodles!)

Wind and sea state is an issue, but its also an issue for power boats. One day forecasts are very reliable, and its simply a matter of knowing and not exceeding your limitations. There are plenty of owners of very sea worthy craft that have gone out in rough conditions, and had to be rescued.

The yakers were much more vulnerable to the great white than the boaties, but they are much less vulnerable than swimmers. Having a swim is not worth dieing for either, but that does not mean that people should not risk swimming for fear of sharks. Risk does not equal certainty.

If seaworthy means the ability of a craft to endure and survive rough conditions, then I think if you had a go on a yak you would be surprised by just how seaworthy they are. There are not many boats out there that could launch and return through the surf, be rolled, flipped and dumped, and still be fully functional.

Finally, I think it is worth remembering that boat owners are rescued regularly (much more so than kayakers), but I don't think that means boating is unsafe and should be banned; or that the person that was rescued does not have the right to enjoy offshore fishing anymore. Indeed, one of our fellow yakers recently rescued a boat owner whose engine had failed, only to be abused by different boat owner when he got back at the ramp for using boat ramp!!! I have also had boaties deliberately go out of their way to drive up to me and just to tell me to f* off. The guy was not so tough when I meet him back at the boat ramp!!! I think these sorts of people are rare, and most of the boaties I have meet are fantastic people. I only mention these bad encounters to let you know that as a group we can be a bit sensitive to people telling us that we have no right to be on the water, even when it is well intentioned (and understandable, though incorrect).



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Hi guys

First of all, as a person that fishes from a kayak I would like to give a big thanks to the boaties that helped the kayakers get away from the great white. Well done fellas, its much appreciated.

Ross, without knowing you I think your comments are very well intentioned, and certainly understandable. However, even though kayakers look very vulnerable out there, it is not as bad as it looks.

* we don't run out of fuel or break down

* if we capsize we simply flip the yak and climb back on board

* if we are swamped by a wave it simply drains back out

* if my hull punctures I will still float (thanks to pool noodles!)

Wind and sea state is an issue, but its also an issue for power boats. One day forecasts are very reliable, and its simply a matter of knowing and not exceeding your limitations. There are plenty of owners of very sea worthy craft that have gone out in rough conditions, and had to be rescued.

The yakers were much more vulnerable to the great white than the boaties, but they are much less vulnerable than swimmers. Having a swim is not worth dieing for either, but that does not mean that people should not risk swimming for fear of sharks. Risk does not equal certainty.

If seaworthy means the ability of a craft to endure and survive rough conditions, then I think if you had a go on a yak you would be surprised by just how seaworthy they are. There are not many boats out there that could launch and return through the surf, be rolled, flipped and dumped, and still be fully functional.

Finally, I think it is worth remembering that boat owners are rescued regularly (much more so than kayakers), but I don't think that means boating is unsafe and should be banned; or that the person that was rescued does not have the right to enjoy offshore fishing anymore. Indeed, one of our fellow yakers recently rescued a boat owner whose engine had failed, only to be abused by different boat owner when he got back at the ramp for using boat ramp!!! I have also had boaties deliberately go out of their way to drive up to me and just to tell me to f* off. The guy was not so tough when I meet him back at the boat ramp!!! I think these sorts of people are rare, and most of the boaties I have meet are fantastic people. I only mention these bad encounters to let you know that as a group we can be a bit sensitive to people telling us that we have no right to be on the water, even when it is well intentioned (and understandable, though incorrect).



Thanks for your comments and first post Brian. It appears that you have joined us specifically to "defend" the kayakkers against Ross's comments.

Mr Hunter has given his opinion based on years of experience on the open ocean. He is a very well known identity in fishing and boating circles. You can listen to him talk every weekend on Hi Tide. He is also a fishraider site sponsor.

It would be very sad if this post turns into a flaming war with boat based fishos against kayak fishos. For your information I have removed about 6 threads in the last 2 days posted by members who are of the same opinion as Ross Hunter in an effort to keep some civility on the forum.

We asked those involved to post a report of the event as fishraider members were very interested. One of those involved has posted and then removed his own post. Those members that read it would understand why the thread has gone off topic.

I am not sure where this thread is going but if there are any members that breach site rules they will be warned and the post closed.

Lets get back to fishing and enjoying our great sport (in whatever vessel we choose).


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Thanks for your comments and first post Brian. It appears that you have joined us specifically to "defend" the kayakkers against Ross's comments.

Mr Hunter has given his opinion based on years of experience on the open ocean. He is a very well known identity in fishing and boating circles. You can listen to him talk every weekend on Hi Tide. He is also a fishraider site sponsor.

It would be very sad if this post turns into a flaming war with boat based fishos against kayak fishos. For your information I have removed about 6 threads in the last 2 days posted by members who are of the same opinion as Ross Hunter in an effort to keep some civility on the forum.

We asked those involved to post a report of the event as fishraider members were very interested. One of those involved has posted and then removed his own post. Those members that read it would understand why the thread has gone off topic.

I am not sure where this thread is going but if there are any members that breach site rules they will be warned and the post closed.

Lets get back to fishing and enjoying our great sport (in whatever vessel we choose).


thanks for your reply but i didn't write the story for anybody to take offence but to make people aware that things can change in a blink of a eye out on the water. hopefully this is my last report of this nature and that all good can come from it. regards walrus

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Thanks mrsswordfisherman

No flaming intended, though you are right that I did join to specifically to put forward my point of view on this subject. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to have my say, and I promise I will leave this subject alone now!!



Good move Brian. Leave the infighting on the "other" forum - looks like they are attacking their own now sadly.

In fact this is old news now. Those involved have been given an opportunity to report. It is a very, very lucky thing that the outcome of that trip was uneventful. Everyone is glad that no-one was killed or maimed.

There are no heroes here, just people on the water looking after each other as humans do to survive in times of extreme danger.

Be safe in whatever type of fishing or boating you do, whether extreme or otherwise.

Topic closed.


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