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Trip To Glenbawn


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Hi all,

Went to Glenbawn Dam for the first time over the weekend. Travelled up Friday night and returned home Sunday morning. Went up with a group of mates. Six in total with three boats. Arrived about 11.30pm not knowing anything about the surrounds of the area. After about 20 minutes trying to search for one of the boys who had set up camp earlier that day, we found him.


I had no idea how big the actual dam and surrounds are, and after this trip, I would recommend visiting the dam to anyone. Even if you don't fish and want a good place to camp.....Glenbawn Dam is a good option. After arriving, had a couple of quick beers before hitting the sack for an early rise. Up at 5.00am on Saturday with hi hopes after reading about the dam for several weeks prior to the trip.

Only two of us went out at this time. The others wanted to sleep. Headed straight to some sunken trees and started throwing some hard body lures. Worked my way down to the furthest end of the dam stopping along the way at various spots with not so much as a tap. 9.00am came and I was thinking where are all the big bass this place has such a reputation for? :mad3: We had a small wager amongst us which went to the biggest bass.

I started to get frustrated after about 1000 cast with no interest so I headed back to camp and had some breaky.

Went back out after breaky with my fishin partner for the day, (Freedomelite) at 10.00am. Went to about the middle of the dam and after again throwing hard bodies for a while with no result, decided to troll for a while around a near by island which I had been eyeing off. One the first pass, my little Abu 5600 screamed it head off. Finally a fish. :1prop: Only a little bass but I was on the board and as far as I knew, the other boys had not had any luck.

Covered alot of water from here with no result, throwing lures and soft plastics however could not get a hit. So we again started to troll round some weed beds. Off went the rods time after time and by about 1.00pm we had caught in excess of 10 bass. Great fun. One hit really hard and after the fish tangled with the braid on both other rods, and ran deep under a snag, we were left for about 15 minutes trying to get the fish up. Finally she rose to the top and it was a better fish (not huge) 34cm. I was now in front, unitl one of the other boys on the other boat caught the exact same size fish. I was splitting the wager.


All went back in for lunch preparing for the afternoon session. Headed back out at 3.00pm. Straight back to the same spot, and using deeper divers (Stuckys lures) we started trolling over a tree and large drop off which he had found on the sounder. Again, bass after bass, but they would not touch the lures is they were cast and retrieved...strange.

Finally I was out done. My Shimano raider buckled over the reel screamed and kept screaming. I thought we were on to a monster. Freedomelite retrieced this one and to my surprise it wasn't as big as I expected given the hit, but it was bigger then mine. By one whole centermetre. He one the wager with this fish.


Had seveal other hits and lost some big heavy fish (and lures). All fish were released.Headed back for the night for a few more beers and to listen to Freedomelite woffle on about his win. All and all, a great weekend, great weather and a fantastic place to visit. I will o back for sure.

Happy hunting,


Edited by Brado
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