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Botany Flathead


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Hit the Bay today to do a bit of drifting to see what I could pick up.

I had some dead poddies and some yabbies.

Did a few drifts off Brighton beach and Towra point but only picked up some

small flathead and snapper.

Drifted from silver beach to the sticks and I started to pick up some better flathead.

I kept drifting the area and ended up with ten keeper flathead and I dropped two better fish.

I also caught five octopus on the yabbies and poddies.

It was a great day to be on the water and as a bonus I ended up with a good feed.


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Nice haul of flatties you got there, I was wondering, with poddy mullets ive heard they must only be used live and that dead ones would be considered use of undersized mullet, im not sure, so im wondering if I am able to store dead poddy mullets leftover from a session, or what happens if the mullets die within a live well/whilst rigging/rigged up

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Nice haul of flatties you got there, I was wondering, with poddy mullets ive heard they must only be used live and that dead ones would be considered use of undersized mullet, im not sure, so im wondering if I am able to store dead poddy mullets leftover from a session, or what happens if the mullets die within a live well/whilst rigging/rigged up

Yea i heard the same and saw some guy get told off 2 weeks ago for having dead poddies he was let off and wrote his name down but didnt fine him


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