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Smacking Jew From The Sand


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Dan did everything just right and even allowed the ole Swordie to play the bigger jew,which was mighty nice of him.

I ran out of batteries on the camera,so they were taken in the driveway :biggrin2:

This shot shows Dan with his two very nice Jewies :yahoo:


Thanks Dan for another top fishing trip :thumbup:

Cheers Stewy

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Top Report, Dan! Well done on both your jewies! Terrific night on the beach!! Shame Stewy didn't get the hook to hold in his 'take'! :(

You put in the hours & got the results!


How the hell can a fish take a live 30cm plus tailor off a pair of 10/0s without getting one in its gob :(

Cheers Stewy

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Great session Dan. I suspect Jewhunter will be itching to share some of his success back at ya :074:

If there's anything to make a good fishing like that even better it's a bit of friendly rivalry. Those are some beautiful looking fish. I'm jealous. Loved the report too.

Cheers, Slinky

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Hi Dan,

GReat effort and well done! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: You have inspired me to try off the sand tonight! I see so many fishermen staying out all night and catching nothing except big rays and sharks.

I need to learn how to catch livies off the beach? Any advice? :wacko:

I always caught them off a wharf, drove them to the beach and then lugged a 20ltr bucket full with salt water and yakkas along the beach. By then some of the yakkas are so docile that when you cast them out they are too tried to fight hard on the end of my hook and send out distress signals to the predators. Not the best condition for live bait. :(:(




Edited by leatherjacket
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How the hell can a fish take a live 30cm plus tailor off a pair of 10/0s without getting one in its gob :(

Cheers Stewy

Good Jew for sure mate. :tease: Swam straight back at you. :(

If it was any sort of catfish you would of had to cut it off. :074:

Nice pair Dan. They start looking real nice & thick across the shoulders at 10kg plus.

Your mission now, if you accept it, is to better the fish in my user pic. It came from the same beach, as you know. This message will explode in 10 seconds. :1prop: ( & so will that beach if you better my fish!!!)



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Your mission now, if you accept it, is to better the fish in my user pic. It came from the same beach, as you know. This message will explode in 10 seconds. :1prop: ( & so will that beach if you better my fish!!!)



The passion for chasing Big silver fish in the suds is well and truly etched into my soul. It started about 2 years ago, while having a chin wag with Stewy and Grant in Nelsons Bay, After a day Chasing Beakies we would come back and tell fishing stories over a beer or two. I remember the stories of perseverence, dedication and finally the Triumph of sliding 20kgs of chrome up the beach, striking a chord with me. It started a fire which no matter how many fishless trips, or cold sleepless nights could extinguish.

It took me 18 months of honing my skills, learning the beach and my quarry and religously soaking baits, sometimes up to 4-5 times a month, before i finally beached one. Some may remember. It was only just over 8kg, but gave me such a sense of pride and accomplishment It will stay with me for ever. Its bloody addictive stuff.

Now to get 3 good Jew in the last 2 trips is F*cking Unbeliveable. :yahoo:

I know the next ones definatley won't come as easy, but im in it for the long haul now. A 50 pounder is my Everest, and while it might take me a while to crack it, one things for sure i will bloody crack one. I just hope i have good mates around like Stewy and Grant to share in my exitement and help me celebrate :beersmile::beersmile::beersmile:

Thanks for the kind words Fellas,

Leather jacket, As for livies, nothing wrong with carting them around, done that a heap of times myself, if you want to prolong life, don't overcroud even if you must use a few buckets, use an airator and change water as often as possible, preferably every 20mins or so.

Catching them of the beach is easy as long as there are some around. Burley hard, i use a mixture of mashed pillies, bread, chook pellets, 1/2 cup of tuna oil and just enough water to get it happening. I use small strips of salted slimy or yakka on a No 8-4 long shank. simple as that. Some times the yakkas arn't around, so instead have a spin for tailor or send out a ganged pillie. Failing that you can target the mullet which you can normally find in abundance in the shore break, or go around to the closest headland and try burley up some yakkas from there or jig up a squid or 2. Plenty of options mate. Another fantasic but often overlooked bait is the humble beach worm, they may be a bit tricky to collect but worth the effort, they are first class Jew fodder.

I believe the key to success with jew is Fresh bait, If i havn't caught it myself in the last few hours i don't use it. While plenty of fish fall to shithouse servo pillies and squid, your not doing yourself any favours using them, and with so many bait options at your finger tips why would you bother. I reckon targeting bait is top fun anyway, and all part of the Mulloway experience... :1prop:

Hope this helps.


...Also i forgot to add,

If you have a few crook livies in your bucket, piss em off. Your other livies will stay in better condition, and the Yakkas that die make great whole baits for jew, just cut the tail off so they cast better and your laughin.

I don't personally butterfly my dead baits, while this is effective, the pickers and lice will have a field day and strip the flesh off quick as. So unless you have a huge supply of bait and don't mind changing them every 20mins the whole fish Idea works great guns.

The Bigger jew in the post fell to a yakka presented in this way.


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