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Jackson Jew On The Chew


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I made the call three weeks ago. "Keep friday the 30th free, I reckon we'll get into the Jewfish". So the plan was made to meet Chef at Rose Bay around 8pm. I had arrived at Tunks some 4hrs earlier to be greeted with a most unusual sight: An old International prime mover complete with the biggest Hiab crane and huge boat trailer being rescued & towed up the ramp by.... a Landcruiser. It would make a primo publicity shot for Toyota.

Oddities aside, step 1 - collect bait. with a fierce & persistent northerly blowing & a nasty steep chop this was no easy task. 2 1/2hrs for one piddly squid :( . So I made the run between the heads where it was real ugly and sabiki'd a dozen jumbo yakkas in quick time - relief .

Worked around the very few sheltered pockets along the eastern shoreline & picked up another two boogers within 5 mins when I got the call, Chef was waiting at the ramp.

Just pulling up to the jetty was diabolical & fraught with danger, some judicious throttle & steering and quick moves from Chef and we were on our way without incident - or any further squid so we agreed to anchor at spot J and sit out the nastiness.

I had boldly, or perhaps foolishly made the call that at 11.30pm a Jew would hit the deck. I had a very solid hit on a yakka fillet at 10.30, within seconds the hook had been spat out :1badmood:. Just to rub it in my other rod with the butterfly got smacked, again not finding the mark. So I had a little Damir Dokic moment :mad3::mad3::1badmood::ranting2::ranting2: and felt much better thankyou. Things went quiet for a while....except the wind which was only getting stronger.

Some 'raiders who have read my reports from last year might recall that Chef is the king of monumental bustoffs, pulled hooks and every known flavour of epic angling tragedy. So it was only fitting I blamed him for two dropped fish "well over 20 kilos mate, for sure" :tease:. We were both cold, hungry, & battered by the weather at this stage. Then at 11.24pm the unmistakeable sound of the spool clicker on the big Ryobi,

Chef is ON!

His rodcraft was textbook. After a very strong initial run of perhaps 30m I see the rod tip rattling like crazy - a Jew for sure. The gaff went in cleanly thru the jaw & we took a moment to savour the unique sight, smell & croaking. Two very happy fishos in a very dark washing machine.


We decided to pack it in, just too uncomfortable. Back at Rose Bay the Water Police were hovering around, no doubt to assist boaties using the facilities, Angels on our shoulders. The chop & wind was that fierce! Chef back on terra firma without incident I made the run (crawl) back to MH for a quick washdown & long sleep. That's 3 jewie fishing trips for 3 successes, I believe I'm sussing out the clockwork.


Cheers folks,


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Jew fisherman must be nuts, brave the cold, wind, the frustration of collecting bait, and heartbreak of lost fish. Only to come back again and again, like gluten's for punishment. Don't you love it :1prop:

Congrats. Nothing like getting a bit of regular success to reward all your efforts and hard earned experience.

Jewy fishing is good for the soul, you only need to look at the smiles on the lucky anglers faces, it says it all. Not to mention the beauty of a mulloway straight from the water, it has to be experienced to be believed.

Ausome stuff, and well done. :thumbup:


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I made the call three weeks ago. "Keep friday the 30th free, I reckon we'll get into the Jewfish"....... I had a very solid hit on a yakka fillet at 10.30, within seconds the hook had been spat out

..... my other rod with the butterfly got smacked, again not finding the mark.....

...... two dropped fish .......

........That's 3 jewie fishing trips for 3 successes, I believe I'm sussing out the clockwork.

Good work once again on the harbour jewfish Jigholio. I don't like the sound of jewfish runs and misses, maybe use two live bait style hooks and tighten up the drag, how do you and this chef bloke set up your jewfish gear? I do like to see jewfish fishermen like yourself sussing out the clockwork, that's for sure.

Keep it up mate :thumbup:


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Thanks for all your positive comments gents, just seeing Chef break the duck & the change in him that occured was worth the price of admission tenfold.

Byron if only I could read between the lines in your posts like you can dissect the meat in mine I wouldn't have this constant twitch in my crimson right eye lol. :1prop:

I have the strike drag set tight, enough to put a full working curve in 10-15kg gear at a deflection of about 40deg. I first used big Gama SL12's (10/0) for 100% strike rate on 3 fish. I could not find them again in that size at any tackle shop within cooee, so we used twin snelled 9/0 Gama suicides last night. The only appreciable difference to my (good) eye is the amount of barb & gape showing. It's the only change in anything!

We fish small sinkers, just enough to keep it down and just enough line to keep the baits bouncing with some hull movement. Baits are live or ultra-fresh squid, slimies or yakkas as a last resort.

The two missed ones last night were on yakkas.

Any thoughts or advice for me, Sir?


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.............I have the strike drag set tight, enough to put a full working curve in 10-15kg gear at a deflection of about 40deg. I first used big Gama SL12's (10/0) for 100% strike rate on 3 fish. I could not find them again in that size at any tackle shop within cooee, so we used twin snelled 9/0 Gama suicides last night. The only appreciable difference to my (good) eye is the amount of barb & gape showing. It's the only change in anything!


Thanks for the compliment Jig. Try again and then test out your overall hook up rate by having the top hook leader section tighten down the line and the upright shank of your dorsal fin hook so that it heeps the line out of the way and pulls the shank down onto the body of your bait with the barb facing the tail, no matter when you're using either live baits or dead baits and use shorter shank heavy duty live bait hooks like mustard hoodlums so as to reduce the leverage from mouth hook ups from head shakers like jewfish etc.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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OK I'll give the hoodlum style a go & let you know the results. The rigging technique & hook placement you described is exactly what I'm doing, so that must be good! Thanks again for for the advice :biggrinthumb:

Also we never seem to miss with squid baits, it would appear they're inhaled rather than mouthed. The squid seem really thin ATM however and only in pairs?



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........Also we never seem to miss with squid baits, it would appear they're inhaled rather than mouthed. .......The squid seem really thin ATM however and only in pairs?



Hi Jigholio, I think that squid do pair off at certain times and then school up again at a later time which is the reason why they can be scarce in the particular spot where you are fishing, and the reason why you only see what appears to be the same two followers ........

Also, having only found a couple of fish interested in feeding at any given time, you would never know that you are actually fishing among a large school of fish, ...... so you might put catching only one or two down to a shortage of fish where or when the bites stop or become few and far between .........

the fact that you may have had three or four good bites and then hooked up, doesn't mean that you caught the fish responsible for the those bites.........

If you think about it, when you do hook up a couple, you might only be catching the fish in the school that haven't had their fill of food, perhaps for reasons such as digestive ability of one over the other on the day, or because of fierce competition from the bullies in the school, other fish branch off and only stay with the school when the biggest and strongest have had their fill and this pattern of fish feeding in clusters away from the school or spasmodically within the school becomes more obvious over time.......


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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