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January Fished Well,


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Considering the amount of traffic we have had over the holiday break, we have managed to find some very good fish in January. These are some of the ones caught on a day I didn't forget the camera (some of these you will have seen before)

77cm - released


68cm - released


42cm on popper - Dinner


77cm - released


This morning was our first Feb session, and we found some very good quality table fish. We spent most of the morning using 5" Jerk Shads in either Sweet n Sour or Lime Tiger. This one fell to a Lime Tiger

73cm - released


as did this one! :1yikes:

35cm - Dinner


Weather forecast is on the improve, and the number of boats on the water is dropping fast :yahoo: The little pod of dolphins here were churning the water in a feeding frenzy like we haven't witnessed before. Jesus they're fast and powerful, especially when working a school of fish! :1yikes:

Good luck out on the water folks. Things could be about to fire in a biiig way soon I hope!



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Well done Ian - good to see the family with such terrific catches of fish! You'll never have a holiday - you'll be booked our from Dec-Feb!!!

Aren't the dolphins amazing! They were in there when I was down there late last year! The entrance was then 'only just' open (we waded across with only wet bottoms on a rising tide!)

Yeeha!! Got some of the shads (hope they are the right ones) & will trial them out this week! :)

Cheerio & tight lines


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Fantastic collection there Hodgey. Those flatties are amazing and it's even better that they were all released. I have yet to break 70cm for a flathead, so the fact that they were all released for perhaps another angler to have the thrill of catching one is great. :thumbup: (and maybe increases my chances of getting one eventually)

I really like that whiting too - 42cm!!! What a thumper! And on a popper too!

Thanks for the post.



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Nice fish, well done and good luck over Feb!!!

Just a quick question - when should you release a Flathead? What length do they turn from a male to a female?



G'Day Andy

This is a frequently posed question, and I for one couldn't give you a 'hard-and-fast' ruling. What I can tell you is that flathead over 65cm are generally accepted as breeders. Here is a link to an interesting study conducted on NSW Dusky Flathead:

Growth/Maturity rates

I only keep fish that fall between 40 and 60cm. That way, I can keep a feed for the family, and hopefully do my bit for the conservation of these very popular fish. ;)



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