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Botany Bay Sat 21st - Slow But Consistent In The Rain


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Hey Raiders,

I went out veryh early on Saturday morning. No rain and it was nice. I caught a few bream and whiting in my usual areas until the tide peaked at 7:00am. Then someone blew the knock-off whistle and all the fish went home. Not even the pesky pinkies were about. No banjo sharks, no sting rays, no nuthing...

I was whistling dixie, while pacing around the centrecab, talking to the rods, asking them to take a bow - SOMETHING !!!. I even tried eating breakfast to try and tempt fate.

In desperation I did a few drifts with the SP's and caught a pile of undersized fish. Bream, flatties, pinkies, flounder, whiting, trevally - they all put up a good fight on 6lb braid and my carbon fibre rod. It was a really worthwhile distraction from the REAL fishing (with bait :biggrin2: ) - hehehe - only kidding - it's all fun, WHEN YOU ARE ACTUALLY CATCH FISH!!! Not so fun when you're pacing and pep-talking the rods...

Then even the littlies stopped biting on the SP's, so back to the bait we go.

I pulled in one of my lines and I thought it just had some weed on it, but it was in fact a large starfish, the likes of which I have not previously seen. It was a good 45cm from end to end. Anyone want to provide an ID?

Then the rain came down and down and I just listened to the rain hissing as it hit the surface of the water around me. It rained against the glass windshield and side glass panels as well as tapping on the plate alloy roof. It was really nice, serene and very relaxing.

It's a nice time to sit back, reflect on life, who you are, focus on the good things in life that made you the person you are, your family, your kids, the things you value in life. You get the goosebumps as that warm fuzzy feeling sweeps over you while the rain comes down and you appreciate the beauty of nature, even in her inclement form... Then one of the rods going off - I barely hear it while in the moment - Let it scream I says... I'm busy reflecting... The fact that it was pouring down had nothing to do with it...( :biggrin2: )

Anyway, the final result was 12 bream, 4 whiting, 2 trevs and a nice flattie.

Enjoy the pics...






Edited by Keflapod
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What more could you ever want for?

A great feed of fish,

A great day fighting all the fish you hooked,

Sitting back listenening to the rain - I think I am sleeping - LOL

The mystery starfish?

Sounds like a great day and a wild experience.

Don't know about the starfish though, we have plenty here although the ones I've seen don't have very long fingers like that one.

Well Done



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