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Finally Got Into Some Whiting On Wallis Lake!


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Hi All

Finally got out on the water yesterday (first time since Feb 25th as we only got back from Sydney & prior to that SWR, on Sun evening & then the weather was crap for Mon & Tues! :1badmood: ) Yesterday, I couldn't catch a cold - everything that got on got off (except the longtom & pike, unfortunately!) Had something jump on that straightened the hook on the treble, but shame was it got off before I could identify what it was. I thought a big tailor was chasing my lure at one stage - first jump had me thinking it was a salmon ...... but never seen one in the lake yet, then 2nd jump looked like a reasonably sized tailor!! it got off, too!

I had lots of whiting following but they would peel off or not get the hook fully in the mouth ...... whereas today was great!! The first one I landed was tiny, but that was a good sign!

Poppers and surface lures worked a treat & caught all the fish! I got some good bycatch of 2 bream to 31cm too, so, happy with that, given that I was only targetting whiting! :) :) Lots of whiting were following & 2 jumped on, the biggest one going 34cm ....... I'd be happy with one that size on both ABT Yak Comp days next weekend! :1prop:

the 2 bream 30 & 31cm - at least they were legal! Just hope I can duplicate it next weekend and add a flattie each day, too!



Nice whiting - 29 & 34 cm - I want these next weekend too - one each on Sat & Sun would be great!



This longtom would not let go of my rod handle! I had it held between my legs after a bigger one struggled last year when I was holding it, trying to remove the hook & I ended up wearing the hook imbedded in my hand, up to the bend!


If only I could have landed a flattie, I would have had a trifecta on the one lure!!


Things are looking good for next weekend! :) :)

See ya :)


Edited by Roberta
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Thanks Ian - it got me thinking, hope I can duplicate it when I need to! .......However, like the Prostate Cancer 'fishathon', maybe we (fishraider) could have a 'one lure' fishing day ....... see what everyone catches on the one lure on the one weekend or day?? It would be an honesty system, obviously, but ..... with so many lures being 'multi functional' these days ....... who knows what we would catch??



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Thanks Ian - it got me thinking, hope I can duplicate it when I need to! .......However, like the Prostate Cancer 'fishathon', maybe we (fishraider) could have a 'one lure' fishing day ....... see what everyone catches on the one lure on the one weekend or day?? It would be an honesty system, obviously, but ..... with so many lures being 'multi functional' these days ....... who knows what we would catch??



Okay; a dawn shootout! Sammy Vs NW Pencil at 20 paces :074::074:

(I have a new secret weapon now too ;) )

Great idea Roberta. Will chat to you about this soon!


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Good onya Roberta, I too will be having a go at the Whiting on poopers when I find a suitable spot, good luck next weekend, and glad that toothy critter wasn't between my legs..


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......Okay; a dawn shootout! Sammy Vs NW Pencil at 20 paces......

I've had some good hits on the NW Pencil, too! :1prop:

.....(I have a new secret weapon now too ).....

Hmmmmm, do tell me more! ;)

.....glad that toothy critter wasn't between my legs......

on Second thoughts ..... perhaps I shouldn't have had it there either!!! Didn't want another treble in my hand! :1yikes:

.......Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ....... thanks Slinky ..... will have to duplicate it on more than one occasion to make it 'effective' tho! I have a couple of spots in mind now, tho! :biggrin2:

.....Very good eating...... Hi Glenn - funny thing that - Keith said the same thing! But I'd put them aaaaallllll back! :biggrin2:



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