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Kingies On Bream Gear No. Who Knows


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With the day off skool i decided to make the most of it and chase some kings again on bream gear.Conditions were not great but i would have to make do. First spot was spent wasted with no hits and no surface or visuals wat so ever. Went to the second spot and this is were the fun began. A school of yakkas was being pushed up hard close to the rocks by an unknown predator. Casted out my 4inch power minnow and bang instant hook up 2 a rat king. Fark there she goes found reef in no time. So next cast i was winding it in slowly nxt to the skool wen some more rats showed some interest. Just as one goes to grab it out of no where a king of round 75-80 cm absolutely whacks it. On its first run strips me back to the mono backing but didnt find reef. Weird i was thinking then i some how am gaining line its coming towards me. Whats going on im thinking i can see my leader then the king as well coming up side on for a perfect gaff shot. Do i have a gaff no fark wat am i going to do waiting for a wave but it never came cmon i need this fish. So i thought im going to try tail it. Got down and it takes off like nothing before instantly back to the backing. This fish is going to spool me fark and then ping the not connecting the mono to the braid snapped. So close yet so far would of been had i had a gaff. :ranting2:

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Guest MarkD

Good report Tyrone and pity to lose him after all that..

Managed a quick flick at Wybung over the weekend for zip. Got a few follows on a sluggo from good size kingfish but no takers.

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Most likely ken its right round at winney bay. Its so polluted round there now from ppl to lazy to pick up and take there rubbish with them. Turning into avoca :thumbdown: Yeah it does produce some solid pigs and some solid bream as well. But its my fav king spot for sure a nice big livey set in that wash usually gets wacked. :thumbup:

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Me & a mate used to carry massive bags of old bread down there & get the place pumping :biggrin2: Got some great pigs lost some great pigs too :biggrin2: Big bream & blackfish as well & took a few really nice snapper there on bread & cunje also when it was well berleyed up. Nice fat leatherjackets there in winter too. Yum.

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Never got jackets ken but it is one of my sec snapper spots with fresh yakka fillets. Usually they are there all the time nice plate sized reds :thumbup: Its a shame though how its going to end up just like avoca did :ranting2:

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Guest Jocool

Good going Ty. Were you standing on a low ledge so that you could gaff it??? Wasnt the wash too much to cope with?

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Hey joe back to the left of that photo is a little ledge i was on and thats were i tried to tail it. If i had a gaff the fish was mine. Weirdest fight ever from a king but.And joe that actually looks a lot higher its not that high really could easily gaff a fish there.

Edited by tyrone07
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Hey Tyrone; you were doing the "softly softly" thing on that king, whether you realised it or not!! Have scored some kings to 70-75cm on bream gear too from DY ledges and they have mostly fought very similar. Don't get em aggro (hard to do on 2kay fireline!) and you can trick em into coming up fairly easily. The key is handling that last run when they see you, as they have heaps in reserve from the soft fight!!!! Have been sceptical of softly softly in the past but it's been working for me sometimes. Think the fairly wimpy light 8ft spin rod been using from the rocks helps; the kings stop their run almost before they start as they take up the curve of the rod. This seems to work better than stiff rod, lighter drag. Course many kings blow you away no matter what tactic! Good luck in the quest.

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just to add to bombies reply

i also vouch for the "softly softly" approach on kings - having boated kingies on bream gear, albeit in a longer time than fishing buddies fishing barra style tackle with 30lb braid. they get smoked time and again, while i get smoked only occasionally. :1prop:

in saying that sometimes you just have nothing, no matter what!

there's also the theory that the resident kingies are the ones that pop you in no time. this is due to their knowledge of the area, that is ledges, pinnacles etc. supposedly if you connect to a roaming fish it'll run wide out in the clear water.

supposedly all the record fish taken from the stones are thought to be roaming fish - an 80lb resident king off the stones is close to impossible, on any tackle! :1yikes:

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sup tye.

bad luck on the kingy mate. sounds like good thing u ditched school.

i learnt about bream rodding pelagics on the weekend when a dollie off the fad decided to spool me.

i think i said something along the lines of "WE ARE GONNA NEED TO CHASE THIS...." SNAP

then i looked at my spool and there was nothing left.

damn funny.

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Nah djmac athletics carnival stuff that. Yeah oh well i know how to play kings sort of now if i do get the chance again. Im still happy at just hooking a good one hasnt happened for a while. Yeah spewing i didnt have a gaff nxt time im definately going to take 1.

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