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Narrabeen Lake Flatty


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Late post, but rather late than never...

I got married a couple months ago and 2 days before the wedding, I broke my collar bone surfing. So on Sunday was my first day back on my kayak and thought I would start in Narrabeen lake.

On Saturday afternoon myself and a friend made arrangements to meet on Sunday morning for a paddle on our kayaks and a fish out at Narrabeen.

Sunday morning I got up early and packed my car and got all my stuff ready. I put the kayak on the roof and gave him a call to see how far away he is. To my surprise he was really hungover and could not make it, so I told him I will catch up with him later. So I set off on my own.

I was in the water by half past 7 and got a few small brim (no surprise) and then around 9am... BANG I got myself a nice flatty, a personal best of 60cm. Pulled it into my kayak and then it was game on! Unfortunately, that is where it stopped. I got a few more little ones, not big enough to keep, but was a great morning to be out in the water.


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