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Sunday Kingy Session


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Greetings Raiders. Just a quick report from last Sunday 22/3.

Headed out with my mate (and boat co-owner) Matt for a long awaited kingy session. Both of us have struggled over the last month and a half to have spare time to get the boat out on the weekend. Anyway, put the boat in at Tunks, and thankfully the engine kicked over straight away, despite not having been used for weeks and weeks. Good start to the day! :thumbup:

The plan was to have a quick flick for squid on the way to catching yakkas. Our squidding was a bit of a half-hearted effort, and we were rewarded appropriately for our lack of effort! Zilch! I really need to take the advice from Slinky's squid fishing articles and spend a full day chasing them. Hopefully I'll work them out a bit better...

Anyway off we went to my current preferred yakka spot, and filled the bait tank relatively easily. Normally I like "Mars Bar sized" yakkas, but these were more "Milky Way sized"... There seem to be a lot more baby yakkas around this year, but the kings don't seem to mind them when fished light.

Continuing on a bit of a lazy theme, we went straight to a reliable and popular harbour marker to throw out a few of the yakkas in hope of some kingies. It wasn't long before I hooked up, and pulled in a small but fiesty 60cm rat.


Pretty soon after my mate Matt had knotched a couple up himself...


The next fish was also caught by Matt, but not a kingy. It was the first rainbow runner to be caught on our boat. Great looking fish in real life, and fantastic they're become more prevalent in the harbour. :thumbup::thumbup:


Next rat was mine, quickly followed by another of the same size.. Once again around the 60cm mark...


We started to run low on livies so I decided to start flicking a 9" Bozo in the hope to draw some strikes on the surface. I've started to have some good success on plastics and poppers on the surface this season, but Matt was yet to catch one in this fashion. I gave him a 7" white Gulp to rig up, and after some persistence and some exciting follows, strikes and near hook ups, Matt hooked and landed his first kingy on plastics... It was great watch, and he was absolutely stoked. :yahoo: It really is a great way to fish... So visual! Here's the result....


The only legal kingy of the day at 68cm, but certainly a memorable one for Matt. Can't wait to get out there again this weekend. I keep meaning to head out and grab a Fishraider sticker from GoFish Pete, but if you recognise me out on the harbour, feel free to say gday! :biggrinthumb:



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Great session on the kings ,

That is one of the better markers in the harbour always holding good fish.

Shame about only getting one legal king , but hey they still pull hard those rats , good pictures .

Better luck next time on the larger ones


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