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South West Rocks 29th March

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My family and the inlaws had been talking up an annual holiday and some how I peruaded them to go for South West Rocks :biggrin2: . Of course I took the boat along just in case. Had to bide my time until after Sunday lunch to slink off for a session with the promise of taking everyone for a cruise in the late afternoon. Started off with a nice bream and a keeper flatty along a tiny rock bar. Worked various sections of the river focussing on the rock walls and was picking up a reasonable number of bream and flathead. Got dusted a few times which hurts when using chubbies and blades. Moved further upstream dodging rain squalls and checking out the place as I went.

Checked in with the family and the showers had scared them off so I set up another drift along a deep rockwall. Had covered about 50m without a touch but kept perservering. Placed another cast in close to a deviation in the wall and the chubby gets belted. This fish is absolutely drilling me screaming off down the wall looking to dust me. With only 6pd leader all I could do was try not to make whatever I had on too angry. Some how it angled out into deeper water and after a lot of weight and another 2 powerful dives I get colour. I am thinking school jew 6-8kg, but its not long enough, 2kg bream no its a Jack and good one. On the next pass it goes into the net without even the slightest kick. My first Mangrove Jack in NSW.



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Wow! That is one superb looking Jack! Haven't hooked one yet - you were sooo lucky to get him in on 6lb leader!! :1yikes: Nay - more like superb fishing skills, I reckon!



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