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What Is The Biggest Bream That You Have Ever Seen


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Photo's just don't do bream justice!

46cm Cooks river bream about 6 years ago on a bass minnow.


1.4kg and a 1.6kg on ABT scales in Australian Open a few years back.

Spewing I didn't photograph the following years bag of 2x 1.6kg in one.


A FORK length 43cm and a 44cm out of a 4 bag over 40cm! All were super fat, just wish we had scales....


Ahh starting to miss the breams again!


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Biggest Bream I have ever seen caught was about 10 years ago by a man fishing with gang hooks and pilchard tail. it was a monster and well over the 2kg mark.

Personnaly my best is 49cm to the fork and 1.7ish KG from lake mac. Heaviest was also from the lake at 46cm and 1.84kg.

See if i can russel up some pics


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