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Luke K

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Hi Everyone,

Went for a fish this morning with Tristan(Yakfishing). A little bit of swell around, but the platform we ventured to was still fishable.(Just :bump0ee: ). Anyway, ended up to be a great morning with 10 fish taken home. Tristan was busted off by some big blackies and maybe even an unstoppable drummer. What can you do when fishing 6lb leader. I love fishing for Luderick and would recommend it to anyone who has not given it a go in past. They are great eating fish and pound for pound, they are great fighters too. Although this type of fishing requires some finesse, it is a great avenue to help everyone improve their fishing skills.

For anyone who wants to try it, fellow fishraider Roberta, has written an excellent detailed description on how to fish for blackfish and there are plenty of raiders with heaps of luderick experience.

Just Do It! :1fishing1:

Here are some pics

Cheers Luke


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And as an added plus of Luderick fishing... sometimes they come ready filleted :074:

Lovely bag of Blackies there Luke. Deeeelicious.... :thumbup:

and you're spot on about how enjoyable a form of fishing it is. I haven't gone blackie fishing for maybe 6 or 7 years since I got my first boat but I'm sitting here looking at my trusty Snyder Mag Bream and thinking I may have to visit Roberta and Chopper75 sometime this winter. :1fishing1:

Cheers, Slinky

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Wow!! Nice fishin' there, Luke & Tristan!! Can't wait til Easter is over & I can get the yak out again & hit the edges of the leases! I swear there are blackies there that are 2kg! :1yikes: The cabbage on the rocks have been mangled by the big seas before Easter, tho, so it is not as readily available as it could be. The big sea run blackies are coming into the system now, so we should start to get bigger ones along the breakwall.

Glenn/CHopper75 had a whopper off yesterday, but he got off! :( They really do pull, the big ones!

Your 'big drummer' may also have been a big surgeon, too?

Like you, I usually use 6lb leader, unless fishing the edge of the leases, when I go up to 10lb as they try to take you into the oysters to bust you off!



hehehe look forward to seeing you down our way, Slinky! Failing that, I will be 'passing thru' in May, heading north! I understand you can get blackies up in Qld, to as far as Hervey Bay??

Edited by Roberta
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Nice bag of Blackies there mate. Yummmm!!

Slinky, you don't have to go all the way to Forster mate. I know of a couple of great spots here on the Tweed where we can terrorise them.

Good jew bait as well. :biggrin2:



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......Good jew bait as well....... absolutely! ! EIther as livies or big slab baits!! They are almost the jewie's 'jellybean'!! :)


One evening, Glenn & I will hit the wall for jewies, too ..... then I have someone to clamber down the rocks to gaff the mongrels!! :wacko:

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whereabouts in South Sydney you getting them very curious as the last visit i made to Sydney back in march i got close to 2 dozen fish in 2 hours off Sth Bondi had a C&R session with my brother who only managed 1, I now live in Wellington just very curious to know as it may be one of my old haunts and if they are on cue ready to run for the annual migration into the estuaries?

Georges should start to fire now as well if the river is not full of fresh!

Enjoy that luderick chasing as I really miss it but watch yourselves Raiders when i return in 18 months I'll be back!



P.S Rainbow trout everywhere in the Wairarapa plus great Pinots! :beersmile: Compensation is trophy trout water is only 30mins drive from work!

Edited by luderick -angler
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