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Fishing At The Rip

Ray R

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Hi Raiders, Hutch and I went chasing some more bream like the ones were captured on Tuesday but the little fellas didn't want to play, we again pumped some nippers and firstly played in the sand flats just off Ettalong and had some fun with smallish bream, reddies and some ferocious SP engulfing flatties.

We thought this is gonna be a good night at the hole, so as the tide started to run in we positioned ourselves at the hole just before sunset and started our bream fishing, well as it happens sometimes with fishing all the best planned trips don't work and last night was one of them, 4 hours of not much :thumbdown: , a couple of small reddies and bream and that was it.

Anyway the sunset was spectacular and I did my best to at least catch a couple of nice sunset shots.

We are gonna try again early on Sunday morning for another sortie on the blighters..


Hutcho concentrating


Hutcho's little Reddie


Sunset over Ettalong


Sunset over the Rip


Edited by Ray R
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Looks like you blokes had a screamer out on the "Gods country'' water ways.

I am soon going to have to put my boat in at Woy Woy, and lurk around these waters.

Great pics as always.

Edited by hobbitt
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Oh Well Ray,

It still looked like a good night out on the water.

I am heading over to Patonga for a flick in the morning on the high tide.

Hopefully that will produce something if not I'll just watch the Pro's unload their boats full of mullet and hopefully get some crab baits.


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Nice little session Ray if there were decent fish on the move up there at the time, I reckon you and Hutcho would be the first to have a boat full.... Might be time for you and Mark to line up a two tide jew session moving around Flint and steel by day and over to Juno and just wide of your flathead grounds at Dark corner at night and let's know what's happening on the jew front ay mate because there should be something to show for a calculated session in those areas after the big seas lately ay :thumbup:


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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