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Weed For Bait


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Hey All

Here are some pics of a green weed that grows in my aquarium at a unbelievable rate

and was wondering if anyone thinks it would be a good bait for drummer and other vege eaters

cheers Adzzy




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Is your tank freshwater or saltwater?

I've got a saltwater tank which is overgrowing with weed, some resemble your one, but it's in small bundles. I've got a heap of ulva in there, which hopefully is blackfish cabbage. I still haven't even tried using it yet, but I've been storing them in the freezer until I get the chance to test it out.

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Is your tank freshwater or saltwater?

I've got a saltwater tank which is overgrowing with weed, some resemble your one, but it's in small bundles. I've got a heap of ulva in there, which hopefully is blackfish cabbage. I still haven't even tried using it yet, but I've been storing them in the freezer until I get the chance to test it out.


i have both salt and fresh and the weed grows in both but probably more so in the salt

i am going to attempt using it this weekend so i will put a post up next week letting you know if it worked or not


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G'day Adzzy,

It doesn't matter if its fresh or saltwater weed. If you can plat that stuff you've got there onto a hook, the blackfish will eat it for sure...........especially in the estuaries!

Good luck,


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G'day Adzzy,

It doesn't matter if its fresh or saltwater weed. If you can plat that stuff you've got there onto a hook, the blackfish will eat it for sure...........especially in the estuaries!

Good luck,


spot on smitty...

many yrs ago me and my cuz did some experimenting on different weeds from fresh and salt ..we also scented some with aniseed... we caught fish on all the types over a couple sessions but found the fresh stuff was generally slimier and fish got baits off hook easier...

to help with the fresh stuff we had to do proper plaits of baits which takes a little longer in hot bite time...

we toyed with the idea numerous times regarding home grown but never did as it was always abundant back then whole yr round mostly..

am interested in how you go adzzy.

keep us posted on yr findings...

zephi that weed you will find once thawed out will prob be very mushy and not much good from my experiance..

you can air dry weed and then re-hydrate it when needed and ive caught fish after many mths dried out as an experiment...

my cuz used to leave his last bait for day on hook for quick first fish following weekend(we were very competitive)and bugger won most times.....


Edited by roosterman
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