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Avoca Rocks Bream And Blerta's

Ray R

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Hi Raiders, just for something different I went for a fish at Avoca Rocks, the swell was up a bit today but still safe where I was, anyway there was heaps of action with Trevally everywhere , was good fun catching these and got 7 good ones , I kept a couple and gave the rest away to another chap there, I was just about to go and on my last bait scored another nice bream 35cm's.

Anyway thats it gotta get cleaned up, get down to the Bowlo for the $6,000.00 badge draw that must go off tonight..


P.S. my finger found out how sharp my knife is..apologies for the blurry pic, taken with my left hand and I was too close.




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Hi Ray - good thing your knife was sharp, or you could have been in trouble!! Ouch!! Finger cuts hurt the worst too! Since Wisemans, both my hands are covered in nicks & cuts & feeling very sore! :(

Nice fish - well done. Great pics, too :)


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