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Long Reef


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Hi i plan to fish around long reef tomorrow but iv never fished there before. My boat isn't really capable to go to the FAD etc so i'm not quite sure where to go. Can anyone please give me an idea of some spots (approximate areas if u don't want to disclose). I was thinking of targeting snapper? Anything else? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Cheers

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G'day Greg,

If you have a sounder, you'll find the good ground pretty easily. Scan the bottom from about 100-300m out from Long Reef (carefully in close!!) and you'll quickly find a succession of humps and valleys in the reef. If you like fishing plastics, drift over these areas when the light is low (early or late) and you might pick up a few... or else set the pick and berley, drifting lightly weighted baits down the trail. If you're going to fish bait and can't see any obvious fish concentrations on the sounder, try to set yourself up on the up-current front edge of a likely looking reef hump as a starting point (allowing enough distance from the reef edge so that your berley and bait will drop onto the edge, not all over the top of the reef or you'll get a heap of cruddy fish too.

Cheers, Slinky

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Hi i plan to fish around long reef tomorrow but iv never fished there before. My boat isn't really capable to go to the FAD etc so i'm not quite sure where to go. Can anyone please give me an idea of some spots (approximate areas if u don't want to disclose). I was thinking of targeting snapper? Anything else? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Cheers

what kind of boat do you have if you dont mind me asking because i have a triumph 170cc and want to fish long reef but wasnt sure if my boat can handle it there

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thanks a lot slinky, ill give it a shot. I have a smallish 4m aluminium so iv been waiting for a day with little to no swell and wind...do you think its too small to be taking out there? I dont plan on going very far from shore at all.

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There are reefs pretty close in ( say within 200M of Long Reef Beach ). They run parallel with the beach , and are pretty long . Expect to catch a few sweep and wrasse.

Double check with the BOM , to ensure no major changes in weather are on the way. What can start out as a great day , can become very messy very quickly , and Long Reef is quite a distance from the ramp.


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ok thanks, so is there any good grounds just off that point? on the southeastern side? I was hoping for some decent pinkies or maybe a stray king if they're around (or are my hopes too high for that close to shore)

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Hi Greg

So your going to launch from Collaroy ramp?

Bit of a long run up from the harbour in a 4m boat.

Seen plenty of small craft out there that launch from Collaroy, just dont do it with any sort of northerly swell, makes getting the boat hard! I buggered one of my old jet ski's off there when I use to wave ride.

There is plenty of ground out there for snappers, do you have a sounder in the boat?

if the currents running hard the king will school up on the pinnicals, if it's not they seem to spread out across the reef which makes them hard to catch in numbers specially if you don't have live baits.

Places like white rock and the wall to the north of the headland are good structure to target.


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Hi yes i do have a sounder. I was going to launch from the ramp at long reef next to the golf course yesterday but decided against it (i tow with a vw golf so definitely not the car to deal with the sandy ramp). Since then i've read some of the other reports that suggest pushing the boat in from the sand which ill do next time. Ended up going to the harbour instead. Cheers for the advise though. I'll give the wall a go for some snapper. Where around there can you catch squid for the kings?



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i used to hit long reef in a 4.1m Alf Stessl with a 30hp on the back, obviously the days had to be picked but shouldnt be a problem @ all...

As for squid...... they really are EVERYWHERE!!!..... just find shallow areas, rocky,kelp or grassy areas are all sure things, a good place to start would be quarrintine bay. Saying that i used to think that there was "Secret" squid spots, but i have caught them everywhere, Balmoral is another popular spot. Obviously every1 has their little spot X that performs well and every now and then the surprise by catch, i caught 2 squid on Fri 50cm+ whilst fishing for kings.....silly creatures.

Good luck with the snapper, let us know how you go.

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