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My Iso Drummer


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Today l and my fd have gone to near dee why for fishing.

first three hrs, l only manage to get some small sweep, so we decided to change anoother spot.

After walking 15min in the ledge, we start to fish. :1prop: very suprised that when l put my first bait in that area. This breast got my bait. we have a good fighting between us. He cant bust my line off as l have luck to pass all my exam and got some nice result.

My fd doubt that l was hooking to a stone, haha.....around 1-2mins its land. It is my biggest drummer now and it is 50cm long and around 3kg.

l just back home and clean it. l find that he have eaten lot of seaweed. Coinsedently, l had used the cabbage and cunjun as the bait....






Edited by terryuts
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