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Avoca Then And Now

Ray R

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Hi Raiders, I have a couple of pics of Avoca, the first is one I scanned from a book I have

and the second is a pic from today.

As expected there is a huge difference, but the old point still looks much the same..



Aug 2009


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avoca is where high speed spinning of the rocks started... alot of fishing history. imagine the fish u would get off the rocks back then.

Yer, true that, but the same anglers used to spin CHB in summer for LT, Bonnies, Stripies.

I cannot rememner that real old CC book I hadm but it had guys like Gene Gungeon (if its spelled correctly) and heaps of other guys who were like the greated fisho's of their time- and soem are still alive today.

God bless Avoca- still one of the best rock platforms and still has one of the best Beach Breaks in NSW/AUS - when its firing (both fishing and surfing) there aint many places compare I can attest to that personally having Avoce my local surfing beach and one of the first palces I fished the stones for Taylor, Sambos and Sharks (more North Avoca but still same stretch of sand).

great comparison Ray.

I should see if I can find this old, old book, but I am sure it woulda been tossed in the garbo when we moved from CC to Sydney- shame cause it had some great spots in it- extending from Norah and Wybung/CHB all the way down to The Box.

T'was a legendary book with hepas of good info not only the places, the rigs, the bait and seasons/tides.

CC is alive wirth good fishing spots and many remain relatively untouched - only a handful of locals and people in the know cherish those places and keep secret- I know some of my fav spots will go to the grave with me and no-one will ever know 'cept my kids and missus.

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Hey Ray you did really well to capture the same image as the one from the book - I have quite a few old pics of the main streets and dockyards of Sydney and its amazing the difference yet the similarities after all this time.

Great work - love that the point hasnt changed all that much.



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Yer, true that, but the same anglers used to spin CHB in summer for LT, Bonnies, Stripes.

I cannot remember that real old CC book I had but it had guys like Gene Dungeon (if its spelled correctly) and heaps of other guys who were like the greatest fishos of their time- and some are still alive today.

God bless Avoca- still one of the best rock platforms and still has one of the best Beach Breaks in NSW/AUS - when its firing (both fishing and surfing) there aint many places compare I can attest to that personally having A Voce my local surfing beach and one of the first places I fished the stones for Taylor, Sambos and Sharks (more North Avoca but still same stretch of sand).

great comparison Ray.

I should see if I can find this old, old book, but I am sure it woulda been tossed in the garbo when we moved from CC to Sydney- shame cause it had some great spots in it- extending from Norah and Wybung/CHB all the way down to The Box.

T'was a legendary book with heaps of good info not only the places, the rigs, the bait and seasons/tides.

CC is alive with good fishing spots and many remain relatively untouched - only a handful of locals and people in the know cherish those places and keep secret- I know some of my fav spots will go to the grave with me and no-one will ever know 'cept my kids and missus.

Jewiehaven ,the book I think you are talking about is fishing the central coast by Gene Dundon,

sadly Gene past away on 23/9/07 , Im lucky enough to have fished and talked with for many years ,

the photo of the HSS men was taken in one of the central coast rock and beach championships in the days when there was grate tradition and rivealy between the four clubs ,Gosford ,Avoca,Tergail ,and the Entrance ,that photo showed members from all four clubs fishing together,out of the group only one has pasted away and that was Lundi another grate jew spin fisherman ,Im glad to say that most still fish the coast today .some are a bit further north .Chb area was the spot to spin in the arvo along with Avoca ,the Ash hole and Cole seam were the mooring spots for spin .CC

Edited by customcasting
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Correct customcasting- the book was written by Gene himself now I come to think about it.

The back cover had piccies of youngens getting frigates from Terrigal, and I think the front cover had Gene himself with some Narara Creek Lud's, Trevs and Breambo's all taken on live blood worms from his tinnie @ the back of the abotiors (or thats when it was back then...) sort of near the back of Gosford Golf Course...

I remember reading some of his articles in Modern Fishing whehn I was pretty young, all about the Brissy Waters Trevs, breambo's, Whiting and Lud's.

I might need to see if I can get that book from somewhere, I am sure I lost it- but it has great historic value to the local fishing community and still some of those spots are still considered the GUN places to nail qual fish from the area

I also see you are bsed up that way yourself?

I grew up in kariong (right opposite Mt. Penang juvie centre) so I know the area very well.

Just some useless info anyways about me, lol

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