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Daiwa Fishing Reels


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hi everyone

just wondering if anyone has used a daiwa heartland? if so what do you think ?

also is there any difference between the heartland and a sol ( both in 4000) except the colour..

and can anyone recommend anything else i want a certate 4000 but i just can t justify the outlay as i have so many damm reels already.

cheers sleepy

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The Sol is a nice reel, don't know about the heartland though. I take it you're a daiwa fan as there's no mention of shimano gear?? If you're not fussed check out the stradic. All the same important stuff as the higher end ones (twinpower and up) like the line management systems etc. only with a few less bearings and heaps cheaper. Definitely worth a look in my opinion...

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HI Mate,

Have a look around I know of a store that is currently running out the TDA Red and Silver one for around $250, i have one these with the matching rod and it is a nice little weapon. Pretty much same as SOL, send me a PM and i am more then happy to tell you where I saw it, as i don't want to disrespect the sponsers of FR.



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HI Mate,

Have a look around I know of a store that is currently running out the TDA Red and Silver one for around $250, i have one these with matching rod and it is a nice little weapon. Pretty much same as SOL, send me a PM and more then happy to tell you where I saw it, as i don't disrespect the sponsers of FR.



I'll second that ..ive got a 4000 series team daiwa advantage reel and its had no trouble pulling in 80cm kings

Edited by daleyboy
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hi everyone

just wondering if anyone has used a daiwa heartland? if so what do you think ?

also is there any difference between the heartland and a sol ( both in 4000) except the colour..

and can anyone recommend anything else i want a certate 4000 but i just can t justify the outlay as i have so many damm reels already.

cheers sleepy

hey there,

i have a 3000 of sol and heartland, bought the sol last year, the drag is awesome on it, as for the heartland, picked it up cheap brand new at auction, havnt really used it yet though. i think the heartland has one more corrosion resistant bearing but dont quote me on that

good luck, you wont be disappointed with either



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the primary differences between the sol and the heartland is its ball bearings. the heartland has one more ceramic coated ball bearing than the sol, meaning its more tolerant of salt water.

I would go the sol though..i think its a much more attractive reel, but thats my opinion..

If its for fishing off rocks etc and is probs going to get wet, go the heartland.

also, a 2500 will land kings up to 80cm n easy on bonnies n stripeys etc.

are u land based or boat?

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Depending on what type of fishing you're planning to do, you might want to have a look at the retrieve rate too. I don't know about the TDAs, but after having fished with a mates sol I'd say it has a very slow retrieve rate compared to other reels. If you're fishing soft plastics then it won't matter, but it would make life difficult if you were trying to spin up bonito...

I wouldn't classify a Stradic as being in the same class as a TD Sol...

The TDA's might be worth a look at the price mentioned above..

They're not in the same class, that would be the twinpower I'd say. But at the moment I can't really see the point in spending an extra $150 or so for the upgrade. And I own both reels. The stradics are just fantastic value for money IMO.

Edited by abecedarian
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