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Rock Fishing Help Please!


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i'd only ever go rock fishing in dead flat seas...

how dangerous would it be then?

Significantly less than rock fishing in a 4m swell... With a dead flat sea your only real problem will be slipping arse over, unless a freak wave comes in, but chances are you'd see that anyway and take cover.

Problem is some fish like the pelagics aren't really interested in a dead flat sea and will head further off shore. So, while fishing those conditions exclusively means virtually no risk, you might be limiting your catch somewhat. It's a balancing act...

Edited by abecedarian
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I can tell how dangerous rocking fishing is...

I totally agree with 'dododog' that I need to check sea and wave conditions before starting fishing on the rock.

I just decide my self that I will not go rocking fishing if wave is over 2m, strong wind exists and etc...

a life jacket is an essential but, at least a rock boot is really important to take...

just 'BE SAFE'

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Hi raiders! I have been a member for a while but my poor writing skill :( does not make me to post any report...

I usually go estuary fishing with mates and we sometime success to catch beautiful breams and flatties! However, we wanted to catch some bigger fish so, we went to whale beach few times but we have not caught any! (also, we have difficulties to find a good fishing point)

Since I have read a lot of reports, I can see that avoca rock platform is a good place to catch some nice salmon or bream! We will probably go next week but, we have no idea which place could be the best area to success our fishing trip... Are their any avoca experts to help us? Is it good enough to use my 7ft graphite rod or better idea to get a surf cast rod?



Hi, I agree woith all the replies to your post, Avoca can be seriously dangerous, and even though it is a fairly large platform you still get waves that cover the whole area, if your looking for tips on where/how to fish Avoca then you cant get any better local info than from Ray R and Mercer007, look them up on this site and PM them, im sure they'll be more than happy to put you in the right direction, these guys fish this area almost every other day and always bag a feed, they have excellent knowledge of all the central coast waters.

tight lines


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