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Boat Winch, Ever Broken?


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Hi GUys,

Hope this has never happened before, but while winding my boat back in, I couldn't help but think, what IF the winch broke and the wire flings straight towards me and cracks me in the face.

Has that ever happened to anyone before? Sometimes I'm scared that cable might snap!

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I usually forget, but when winching up I try to remember to stand to the side & face the vehicle. It's something that's crossed my mind too. I would'nt think the cable would flick too much thou, but it could still take an eye out I reckon.

I guess the best thing to do is check your cable regularly. Any strands broken would be an indication that it might be time to replace it. Cable shouldn't be too expensive. Having said that we use it for work so I get it for free, buying small amounts I suppose might get a little $$$ but hey, an eye for any price is still cheap.

Edited by Boofhead
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I usually forget, but when winching up I try to remember to stand to the side & face the vehicle. It's something that's crossed my mind too. I would'nt think the cable would flick too much thou, but it could still take an eye out I reckon.

I guess the best thing to do is check your cable regularly. Any strands broken would be an indication that it might be time to replace it. Cable shouldn't be too expensive. Having said that we use it for work so I get it for free, buying small amounts I suppose might get a little $$$ but hey, an eye for any price is still cheap.

I hadn't thought of injuries - just the inconvenience. I have a spare cable in my car.

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It has happened to me, cable snapped at the swage block right at the hook. lucky all it made was a loud twang. thinking of this happening again I installed a strap instead of a cable. It has been on for about 6 years now so while it is fresh in my mind might be a good time for some preventative maintenance and have a look at it.

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I wouldn't trust these straps either... a friend of mine was sworn at by this loudmouthed boofheaded fat bruiser for creating wake coming into the jetty at Brooklyn and the bloke was knocked onto the boat ramp by a strap slap and sat in the slime all cross eyed and didn't know what hit him even after his mates pulled him out....


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Hi GUys,

Hope this has never happened before, but while winding my boat back in, I couldn't help but think, what IF the winch broke and the wire flings straight towards me and cracks me in the face.

Has that ever happened to anyone before? Sometimes I'm scared that cable might snap!

Hi Locodave, I have had 2 go until I got a Navy heavy duty. I recover mine from beach and being fibreglass it has a lot of weight to haul off sand, each time mine has gone U get a warning as only a few strands go first followed by the rest if you don't stop winding, my new 15 to 1 ratio is a snack and no worries about breakage. hope this helps.

P.S. But it's still on your mind each time U winch.

cheers Rick.

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Hi GUys,

Hope this has never happened before, but while winding my boat back in, I couldn't help but think, what IF the winch broke and the wire flings straight towards me and cracks me in the face.

Has that ever happened to anyone before? Sometimes I'm scared that cable might snap!


The thought of the snapping cable crosses everyones mind at one point i guess.

I'm sure most of us have that stinky smelly towel that lies in the boat to wipe your hands with after a catch or one lying in the boot of the car, this is a handy tool.....

Once you have hooked your cable to your boat and have tension on it, lay the towel across the cable and commence winding ( not forgetting to move the towel as you wind )

Its an old 4x4 thing they do when using a "Snatch Strap" ( causes a "DRAG" affect if the cable snaps )

Just a thought!!



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